Why are there thousands of sinner Christian denominations?
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In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-16 01:35:37 UTC
Because they worship the bible as God.

What does that tell you?

It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.

If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!

You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.

Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."

Well, then, who is going to speak?

But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.

Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.

How plain is it?

Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God, God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-16 16:58:46 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.

but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
2024-09-16 22:43:06 UTC
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-16 23:54:36 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.

Kami, you are not a sweet transvestite, are you?

In the beginning, God, God eternal
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God, God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-17 12:02:17 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Kami, you are not a sweet transvestite, are you?
those two words just dont go together, sweet and transvestite.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-17 23:40:11 UTC
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Kami, you are not a sweet transvestite, are you?
those two words just dont go together, sweet and transvestite.
For some it does. :-).

In the beginning, God, God eternal
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-20 18:36:04 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Kami, you are not a sweet transvestite, are you?
Why, are you looking for a date nurse nash?


Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal
Eternal has no beginning, you stupid christer.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-20 18:47:45 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal
Eternal has no beginning, you stupid christer.
How would you know, infernal demon.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-20 21:02:20 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Kami, you are not a sweet transvestite, are you?
Why, are you looking for a date nurse nash?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal
Eternal has no beginning, you stupid christer.
Wrong context, like your picture. Tick tock Tim.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-17 01:36:19 UTC
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-17 02:22:17 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
Well then, you are free to dress-up...atheist. :-).

You're an idiot, Holman! You and Baxter should get a room.

In the beginning, God, God eternal
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God, God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-17 03:16:21 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
And where is that a "lifestyle". Gender identity is not a choice.
2024-09-17 03:50:24 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be
not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
Governor Swill
2024-09-17 06:02:44 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be
not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
Trump prefers "Two Corinthians".

Just sayin'.

This is gonna be good
Where's Melania?
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-17 13:00:39 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.

Don't you know your Bible?
2024-09-17 14:46:04 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
And they keep forgetting: "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy
2024-09-17 18:28:37 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
And they keep forgetting: "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy
neighbor.” Which is covered under the law “Thou shalt not lie”
Under that umbrella is also gossiping.
The pseudo religious all know this, and it is ingrained in them, yet they
disobey of their own free will, acting not on the will of God for men and how
to get along properly as He designed.

It is one of the seven deadly sins. And is very high on the list of evil
things to do. The greatest of which is to deny the salvation of the Messiah.

Many are given to believe a lie, and we can all see this in the political
world, so valued is it that it is legally excused as being seen in the nature
of politics to promise a chicken in every pot, or other things that sound
great, or also to knock down their opponents.

We can see the destructive nature of it daily, when lies are told and the
lives of men and their careers are totally destroyed publicly and privately.
Many dying in shame only to be proven later historically as having been
proper the whole time.

Yet back to your original statement, it is that same will and desire of self
promotion on the usenet by many to lie, and when supposedly ‘christian’
people do it, they are following the ways of the evil one, Satan, who is the
father of lies. Personal Pride is the downfall of them all. And this is what
caused Lucifer to be known as Satan.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-18 02:01:56 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
Still waiting...........
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom
of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
And they keep forgetting: "Thou shall not bear false witness against
thy neighbor.” Which is covered under the law “Thou shalt not
Under that umbrella is also gossiping.
The pseudo religious all know this, and it is ingrained in them, yet
they disobey of their own free will, acting not on the will of God for
men and how to get along properly as He designed.
All Christians who disagree
with you "pseudo religious"

Got it.
2024-09-18 04:01:16 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
Still waiting...........
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom
of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
And they keep forgetting: "Thou shall not bear false witness against
thy neighbor.” Which is covered under the law “Thou shalt not
Under that umbrella is also gossiping.
The pseudo religious all know this, and it is ingrained in them, yet
they disobey of their own free will, acting not on the will of God for
men and how to get along properly as He designed.
All Christians who disagree
with you "pseudo religious"
Got it.
You sound just like them, reading things into what was said but never said.
False accusations, plus, you know all about that having been trained in Bible
Siri Cruise
2024-09-18 07:07:56 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
Still waiting...........
Jesus was not really into thou shall not. He was more 'be
excellent to each other'. Look for ways to love rather than
excuses to hate.

A lot of things perturb me. So was the universe created to conform
to my aesthetics?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2024-09-18 10:48:46 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
Still waiting...........
Jesus was not really into thou shall not. He was more 'be
excellent to each other'. Look for ways to love rather than
excuses to hate.
A lot of things perturb me. So was the universe created to conform
to my aesthetics?
i like that, be excellent to each other.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-18 13:26:32 UTC
Post by kami
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
Still waiting...........
Jesus was not really into thou shall not. He was more 'be
excellent to each other'. Look for ways to love rather than
excuses to hate.
A lot of things perturb me. So was the universe created to conform
to my aesthetics?
i like that, be excellent to each other.

Which leaves Roberts claim out in the cold.

"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16 2024
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-18 23:27:09 UTC
Post by kami
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
Still waiting...........
Jesus was not really into thou shall not. He was more 'be
excellent to each other'. Look for ways to love rather than
excuses to hate.
A lot of things perturb me. So was the universe created to conform
to my aesthetics?
i like that, be excellent to each other.
The question is, how? Man doesn't know how, he just goes by the 'seat of
his pants' theology. That is okay, I guess, for a time or until he comes
to the coalface of "it's you or me?"

And that is where the Lord begins and man falls.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-17 18:11:57 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-18 00:51:30 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
Then maybe it is time to consult directly?

I hope so. An author of a book is not the book; He is much much more
than that.

The Lord is omnipotent and omnipresent; He is far from only being in one
place...ink! Who can only be at one place at one time?

And so how does the spirit of Satan work? Through one place at one time.
That spirit is still in the world and in the garden—the scriptures—and
messing with them. That is why there is such division.

Maybe later, but for now, these words did not come from a chapter and

The Holy Spirit wrote:
People that are already Born Again Believers do
not require faith to believe IN Jesus Christ...

The Lord is revealing some wonderful things. I am going to share it for
John's sake, but, as always, it is for anyone who will receive it. I
hope you have a predisposition, at least; it can only prosper you.

ChristRose is only interested in prospering himself, and that is a very,
very, very bad idea for anybody.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-18 01:31:22 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.

Does't that make you a prophet?
2024-09-18 04:02:29 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-18 13:19:51 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?

"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
2024-09-18 16:56:23 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?
Rev 3:20

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open
the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Post by Mitchell Holman
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
Answered Sept16,2024 1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, noreffeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-19 01:32:54 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?
Rev 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice,
and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and
he with me.
That wasn't God speaking

Rev 3:14-20
"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful
and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or
the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—
neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you
out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I
have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’
But you do not realize that you are wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel
you to buy from me gold refined in the fire,
so you can become rich; and white clothes to
wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;
and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.
So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I
stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
my voice and opens the door, I will come in
and eat with that person, and they with me."

Don't you know your Bible?
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
Answered Sept16,2024 1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall
not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators,
nor idolaters, nor adulterers, noreffeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind
Still waiting from a quote from
God you claim exists.
2024-09-19 05:10:08 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,†(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?
Rev 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice,
and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and
he with me.
That wasn't God speaking
Rev 3:14-20
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful
and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or
the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—
neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you
out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I
have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’
But you do not realize that you are wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel
you to buy from me gold refined in the fire,
so you can become rich; and white clothes to
wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;
and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.
So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I
stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
my voice and opens the door, I will come in
and eat with that person, and they with me."
Don't you know your Bible?
Yes, I do, and I also know Jesus, and he is the one who spoke that.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
Answered Sept16,2024 1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall
not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators,
nor idolaters, nor adulterers, noreffeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind
Still waiting from a quote from
God you claim exists.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-19 13:33:55 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,†(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?
Rev 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my
voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with
him, and he with me.
That wasn't God speaking
Rev 3:14-20
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful
and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or
the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—
neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you
out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I
have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’
But you do not realize that you are wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel
you to buy from me gold refined in the fire,
so you can become rich; and white clothes to
wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;
and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.
So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I
stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
my voice and opens the door, I will come in
and eat with that person, and they with me."
Don't you know your Bible?
Yes, I do,
You lied about God speaking in Revelations.
Post by Robert
and I also know Jesus, and he is the one who spoke that.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
Answered Sept16,2024 1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall
not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, noreffeminate, nor
abusers of themselves with mankind
Still waiting from a quote from
God you claim exists.
2024-09-19 17:39:49 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,†(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?
Rev 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my
voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with
him, and he with me.
That wasn't God speaking
Rev 3:14-20
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful
and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or
the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—
neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you
out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I
have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’
But you do not realize that you are wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel
you to buy from me gold refined in the fire,
so you can become rich; and white clothes to
wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;
and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.
So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I
stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
my voice and opens the door, I will come in
and eat with that person, and they with me."
Don't you know your Bible?
Yes, I do,
You lied about God speaking in Revelations.
Then where is your proof? After all you spent a few years in Bible College.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
and I also know Jesus, and he is the one who spoke that.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
Answered Sept16,2024 1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall
not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, noreffeminate, nor
abusers of themselves with mankind
Still waiting from a quote from
God you claim exists.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-20 01:27:34 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been
shown. “Know ye not that the unrighteous
shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not
deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,†(1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?
Rev 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my
voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup
with him, and he with me.
That wasn't God speaking
Rev 3:14-20
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful
and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or
the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—
neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you
out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I
have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’
But you do not realize that you are wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel
you to buy from me gold refined in the fire,
so you can become rich; and white clothes to
wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;
and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.
So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I
stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
my voice and opens the door, I will come in
and eat with that person, and they with me."
Don't you know your Bible?
Yes, I do,
You lied about God speaking in Revelations.
Then where is your proof?

This is YOUR claim, where is YOUR proof?

"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle."
Robert, above.
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
and I also know Jesus, and he is the one who spoke that.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
Answered Sept16,2024 1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous
shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, noreffeminate, nor
abusers of themselves with mankind
Still waiting from a quote from
God you claim exists.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-18 23:35:14 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
God doesn't say anything in Corinthians.
Don't you know your Bible?
I know God, the author of it all.
So God talks to you, and you convey
it to humanity.
Does't that make you a prophet?
Not at all. God speaks to all who will listen to Him.
Where did God say that?
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle"
Robert, Sept 16, 2024
How dare you insult Robert's "double entendre" that no one understood!!!


In the beginning, God, God eternal
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-18 01:29:17 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
2024-09-18 04:04:54 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God as being the
word of God spoken to believing men.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-18 13:24:04 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom
of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God as being
the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
2024-09-18 17:00:27 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom
of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God as being
the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.

Are you going to return to Him?
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-19 01:24:28 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom
of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God as being
the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
2024-09-19 05:11:24 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom
of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God as being
the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-19 12:51:04 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God
as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
2024-09-19 17:50:04 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God
as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who prophesied.
Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my presence to show that
I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that you actually spoke and
communicated with me?
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-20 01:31:26 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit
the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of
God as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who
prophesied. Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my
presence to show that I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that
you actually spoke and communicated with me?
Now you are retreating into an Andrew-
style "It's in the Bible somewhere, look it
up yourself" evasion.

If you cannot back up your claim
just say so.

"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle."
Robert, unproven claim.
2024-09-20 06:09:32 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit
the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of
God as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who
prophesied. Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my
presence to show that I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that
you actually spoke and communicated with me?
Now you are retreating into an Andrew-
style "It's in the Bible somewhere, look it
up yourself" evasion.
If you cannot back up your claim
just say so.
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle."
Robert, unproven claim.
You have never showed proof that the scriptures given you on the topic where
not his.
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-20 17:41:50 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word
of God as being the word of God spoken to believing
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who
prophesied. Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my
presence to show that I heard from you, to prove to others in aa
that you actually spoke and communicated with me?
Now you are retreating into an Andrew-
style "It's in the Bible somewhere, look it
up yourself" evasion.
If you cannot back up your claim
just say so.
"God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle."
Robert, unproven claim.
You have never showed proof that the scriptures given you on the topic
where not his.
You have shown where God said that
He opposes the "tranny lifestyle"
Dawn Flood
2024-09-21 17:13:01 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God
as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who prophesied.
Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my presence to show that
I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that you actually spoke and
communicated with me?

Name a single prophecy from the Bible.

2024-09-21 17:27:43 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God
as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who prophesied.
Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my presence to
show that I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that you actually
spoke and communicated with me?
Name a single prophecy from the Bible.
i'll be back
2024-09-21 20:58:22 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God
as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who prophesied.
Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my presence to show that
I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that you actually spoke and
communicated with me?
Name a single prophecy from the Bible.
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And who
will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And He said, Go and tell
this people, Hearand hear continually, but understand not; and seeand see
continually, but do not apprehend with your mind. Make the heart of this
people fat; and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes, lest they see with
their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and turn
again and be healed.” (Isa 6:8-10, AMPC)
Dawn Flood
2024-09-22 16:01:30 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been shown.
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word of God
as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who prophesied.
Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my presence to show that
I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that you actually spoke and
communicated with me?
Name a single prophecy from the Bible.
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And who
will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And He said, Go and tell
this people, Hearand hear continually, but understand not; and seeand see
continually, but do not apprehend with your mind. Make the heart of this
people fat; and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes, lest they see with
their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and turn
again and be healed.” (Isa 6:8-10, AMPC)
Still not getting it. What, exactly, is being "prophesied" here??

2024-09-22 19:09:57 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Robert
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
Where did God say that?
One of the many scriptures you have already been
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Just answer the question.
Post by Robert
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
abusers of
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
themselves with mankind,” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
That doesn't answer the question.
You, just like the pseudo christians discount the Word
of God
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
as being the word of God spoken to believing men.
What was "the Word of God"
before the Bible was put together?
Yahweh’s spoken Word, which is still ongoing.
To whom does God speak to, besides you?
Many, many others, around the world.
And your proof of this is.........?
In their testimonies, as well as from those that are prophets who prophesied.
Do I have to repeat every word that you have said in my presence to
Post by Robert
I heard from you, to prove to others in aa that you actually spoke and
communicated with me?
Name a single prophecy from the Bible.
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And
who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And He said, Go
and tell this people, Hearand hear continually, but understand not;
and seeand see continually, but do not apprehend with your mind. Make
the heart of this people fat; and make their ears heavy and shut their
eyes, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and
understand with their hearts and turn again and be healed.” (Isa
6:8-10, AMPC)
Still not getting it.  What, exactly, is being "prophesied" here??
Christ Rose
2024-09-22 21:16:27 UTC
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 16:01:30 -0000 (UTC)
Dawn Flood <***@gmail.com>
Post by Robert
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord,
saying, Whom shall I send? And who
will go for Us? Then said I, Here am
I; send me. And He said, Go and tell
this people, Hearand hear continually,
but understand not; and seeand see
continually, but do not apprehend with
your mind. Make the heart of this
people fat; and make their ears heavy
and shut their eyes, lest they see
with their eyes and hear with their
ears and understand with their hearts
and turn again and be healed.” (Isa
6:8-10, AMPC)
Still not getting it.  What, exactly, is
being "prophesied" here??
In Isaiah 6:8-10, God calls Isaiah to
deliver a message to the people of
Israel. The prophecy makes clear that
the people will hear God’s word, but
they will not understand or respond to
it. Their hearts will be hardened, their
ears will become dull, and their eyes
will be closed. This hardening of the
people’s hearts is a judicial response
from God to their persistent sin and
rebellion. It shows that when people
reject God’s truth repeatedly, it can
lead to spiritual blindness, preventing
them from turning back to Him.

The prophecy underscores how the people
will resist God’s word, despite hearing
it repeatedly. They will not understand
because their hearts are hardened by
sin. The imagery of their hearts
becoming "fat," their ears "heavy," and
their eyes "shut" symbolizes their
stubborn refusal to turn to God. This
passage illustrates a sad reality:
prolonged resistance to God can lead to
a hardened heart, where repentance
becomes less likely.

Jesus later applies this same passage to
His own ministry in Matthew 13:14-15,
explaining that people’s rejection of
His teaching also fulfills Isaiah’s
prophecy. Jesus says, “You will indeed
hear but never understand, and you will
indeed see but never perceive. For this
people’s heart has grown dull, and with
their ears they can barely hear, and
their eyes they have closed, lest they
should see with their eyes and hear with
their ears and understand with their
heart and turn, and I would heal them”
(Matthew 13:14-15, ESV). Both Isaiah’s
time and Jesus' time experienced
widespread resistance to God's message
of salvation, revealing the deep-rooted
hardness of heart among those who
persistently reject God.

This theme of hardening reappears in the
New Testament, particularly in Paul’s
explanation of Israel’s unbelief. In
Romans 11:7-8, Paul writes, “Israel
failed to obtain what it was seeking.
The elect obtained it, but the rest were
hardened, as it is written, ‘God gave
them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would
not see and ears that would not hear,
down to this very day’” (Romans 11:7-8,
ESV). Paul refers to the same spiritual
blindness and deafness mentioned in
Isaiah, explaining that although some
Israelites were chosen by grace, the
majority were hardened because of their
persistent unbelief. This hardening,
however, serves a greater purpose in
God’s plan.

Paul explains in Romans 11:11-12 that
through Israel’s rejection of the
gospel, salvation has come to the
Gentiles: “So I ask, did they stumble in
order that they might fall? By no means!
Rather, through their trespass salvation
has come to the Gentiles, so as to make
Israel jealous” (Romans 11:11, ESV).
Israel’s unbelief and hardening opened
the door for the Gentiles to receive the
gospel, fulfilling God’s purpose to
bring salvation to all nations, as
promised to Abraham (Genesis 12:3). This
rejection, far from being an obstacle,
became the means by which the message of
salvation was extended beyond Israel to
the entire world.

Paul goes on to clarify that this
hardening is only partial and temporary.
In Romans 11:25-26, he says, “A partial
hardening has come upon Israel, until
the fullness of the Gentiles has come
in. And in this way all Israel will be
saved” (Romans 11:25-26, ESV). The
hardening of Israel is part of God’s
redemptive plan to extend mercy to the
Gentiles, but it does not signify the
end of God’s purposes for Israel. Once
the full number of Gentiles comes to
faith, God will bring about the
restoration of Israel, leading to their
salvation as well. This underscores the
fact that God’s plan of salvation is
comprehensive, including both Jews and
Gentiles, and reveals His sovereign
grace toward all people.

Gospel Application

The prophecy in Isaiah, Paul’s
explanation in Romans, and Jesus’ use of
Isaiah’s prophecy in Matthew all
emphasize that unbelief and rebellion
against God lead to spiritual blindness
and hardness of heart. When people
continually resist God’s word, their
hearts become more calloused to His
truth. Yet, even in this, God’s
sovereign plan brings hope. Israel’s
rejection of the gospel opened the way
for salvation to be offered to the
Gentiles. This reveals that salvation is
not limited by ethnicity or heritage but
extends to all who believe in Jesus
Christ. Paul says in Romans 10:12-13,
“For there is no distinction between Jew
and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of
all, bestowing His riches on all who
call on Him. For ‘everyone who calls on
the name of the Lord will be saved’”
(Romans 10:12-13, ESV).

God’s mercy reaches beyond the borders
of Israel, extending to all nations.
Through Christ’s death and resurrection,
God offers salvation to everyone,
regardless of their background. This was
God’s plan all along: to use the
rejection of Israel to bring the
Gentiles into His covenant family. Yet,
as Paul reveals, God has not abandoned
Israel. A future restoration will take
place when many in Israel will turn to
Christ in faith.

The gospel proclaims that through faith
in Christ, both Jews and Gentiles can be
reconciled to God. Christ’s death on the
cross and His resurrection provide the
atonement for our sins and the promise
of eternal life (Romans 1:16-17; 1
Corinthians 15:1-4). This is the
fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan,
bringing all who believe into one body
in Christ (Ephesians 2:14-16).
Therefore, the message of salvation goes
out to all: “Everyone who believes in
Him will not be put to shame” (Romans
10:11, ESV).

In conclusion, the prophecy of Isaiah
6:8-10 foretold a time when Israel’s
persistent rebellion would lead to
spiritual blindness, preventing them
from responding to God’s call. Jesus
applied this prophecy to His own
ministry, showing how the people’s
resistance to His message mirrored the
resistance seen in Isaiah’s day. Paul
further explained that this hardening of
Israel’s heart served to bring the
gospel to the Gentiles, fulfilling God’s
promise to bless all nations through
Abraham. Today, the gospel extends to
both Jews and Gentiles, offering
forgiveness, reconciliation, and eternal
life to all who place their faith in
Christ’s death and resurrection. This is
the good news that we proclaim: God has
made a way for salvation to reach all
people, and everyone who repents and
believes in Christ will be saved (Romans

Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

2024-09-21 21:23:31 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Name a single prophecy from the Bible.
Many years before Jesus was born there were prophecies
that told of His coming; and that He would be sacrificed
so that we could be forgiven of everything and have life
eternal with Him in glory. He is very real. He is the One
who loves you.

To answer your above question...this is from Isaiah 53:

" Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.

" But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.

"All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all." ~ Isaiah 53:4-6

This was all about and only about, Jesus.
Vincent Maycock
2024-09-21 23:07:00 UTC
On Sat, 21 Sep 2024 14:23:31 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Name a single prophecy from the Bible.
Many years before Jesus was born there were prophecies
that told of His coming; and that He would be sacrificed
so that we could be forgiven of everything and have life
eternal with Him in glory. He is very real.
No, he is not real. He's all in your head.
Post by Andrew
He is the One who loves you.
LOL! What makes you think there's only One who loves her?
Post by Andrew
" Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
" But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
"All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all." ~ Isaiah 53:4-6
This was all about and only about, Jesus.
This was not a prophecy, as it takes place in the past, and is not
referring to Jesus, whose name appears nowhere in this passage.

Furthermore this Suffering Servant is said to have children, which
doesn't apply to Jesus.

In reality, it's referring to the nation of Israel as an abstract
entity that suffers because of the sins of the Israelite people.
Dawn Flood
2024-09-22 23:20:50 UTC
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 15:59:34 -0000 (UTC), Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
On Sat, 21 Sep 2024 14:23:31 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Name a single prophecy from the Bible.
Many years before Jesus was born there were prophecies
that told of His coming; and that He would be sacrificed
so that we could be forgiven of everything and have life
eternal with Him in glory. He is very real.
No, he is not real. He's all in your head.
Post by Andrew
He is the One who loves you.
LOL! What makes you think there's only One who loves her?
Post by Andrew
" Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
" But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
"All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned?every one?to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all." ~ Isaiah 53:4-6
This was all about and only about, Jesus.
This was not a prophecy, as it takes place in the past, and is not
referring to Jesus, whose name appears nowhere in this passage.
Furthermore this Suffering Servant is said to have children, which
doesn't apply to Jesus.
In reality, it's referring to the nation of Israel as an abstract
entity that suffers because of the sins of the Israelite people.
I doubt that he'll even click the link.
"This interpretation [the national one]states that the servant is a
metaphor for the entire nation of Israel. The sufferings of the
servant are seen as sufferings of the nation as a whole while in
exile. This interpretation first appears with unnamed Jews familiar to
Origen in the third century CE (see below), and it subsequently became
the majority position within Judaism from the medieval period until
today. Sometimes this view is combined with the "righteous remnant"
view (e.g. Rashi on 53:3 and 53:8)[21]"
Seems completely reasonable, but then again, who knows & who cares? I
can ask Robert to do a simple experiment. Find a prophet who can, in
advance, predict the exact sequence of 100 tosses of a quarter. He can
that prophet write that down in an email and post it "wherever". I will
perform the experiment and compare the results, informing everyone of
the experiment's outcome.


2024-09-17 12:01:44 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
robert, google technological singularity and remove your skirt.
2024-09-17 18:32:15 UTC
Post by kami
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
robert, google technological singularity and remove your skirt.
LOL, It was a play on words, your use of “transhumanist motic” I prolly
should have put a “;)” after it, but it was a double entendre. No one saw
2024-09-18 10:50:07 UTC
Post by kami
Post by Robert
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
God is opposed to the tranny lifestyle.
robert, google technological singularity and remove your skirt.
LOL, It was a play on words, your use of Žtranshumanist motic¡ I prolly
should have put a Ž;)¡ after it, but it was a double entendre. No one saw
ooh, yeah i have been missing a lot of jokes here lately.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-16 23:46:40 UTC
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
Really, Dr Phil? Move on. The explanation was given.

"They worship the bible as God."
Post by kami
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
It has always been a transhumanist motif with men.

How's it doing?

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God, God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-17 11:57:26 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
Really, Dr Phil? Move on. The explanation was given.
"They worship the bible as God."
dr phil is that kook psychiatrist right? you are lucky i have
some cultural knowledge. so basically any interpretation of
religion is a product of its time and mutates with the culture.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
It has always been a transhumanist motif with men.
How's it doing?
i think its doing doing pretty well, we are on the cusp of making
our species multiplanetary and integrating with AI.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-17 23:39:10 UTC
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
Really, Dr Phil? Move on. The explanation was given.
"They worship the bible as God."
dr phil is that kook psychiatrist right? you are lucky i have
some cultural knowledge. so basically any interpretation of
religion is a product of its time and mutates with the culture.
God does not mutate, men do.
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
It has always been a transhumanist motif with men.
How's it doing?
i think its doing doing pretty well, we are on the cusp of making
our species multiplanetary and integrating with AI.
Good luck with that. It is good thing you didn't have a pager on you
yesterday! Your answer would have been different. :-).

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-18 11:04:08 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
Really, Dr Phil? Move on. The explanation was given.
"They worship the bible as God."
dr phil is that kook psychiatrist right? you are lucky i have
some cultural knowledge. so basically any interpretation of
religion is a product of its time and mutates with the culture.
God does not mutate, men do.
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
It has always been a transhumanist motif with men.
How's it doing?
i think its doing doing pretty well, we are on the cusp of making
our species multiplanetary and integrating with AI.
Good luck with that. It is good thing you didn't have a pager on you
yesterday! Your answer would have been different. :-).
yeah that was crazy yesterday, i was actually impressed.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-18 23:30:37 UTC
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
denominations are like accents, a product of geography. it
happens in every religion, islam hinduism buddhism etc, there are
sects within sects everywhere.
Really, Dr Phil? Move on. The explanation was given.
"They worship the bible as God."
dr phil is that kook psychiatrist right? you are lucky i have
some cultural knowledge. so basically any interpretation of
religion is a product of its time and mutates with the culture.
God does not mutate, men do.
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.

But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
but i think with the internet now dominating life, probably there
will be an exodus away from traditional religion toward
something... with a transhumanist motif.
It has always been a transhumanist motif with men.
How's it doing?
i think its doing doing pretty well, we are on the cusp of making
our species multiplanetary and integrating with AI.
Good luck with that. It is good thing you didn't have a pager on you
yesterday! Your answer would have been different. :-).
yeah that was crazy yesterday, i was actually impressed.
Clever in the short term and disastrous in the long term.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-09-19 03:35:08 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
dr phil is that kook psychiatrist right? you are lucky i have
some cultural knowledge. so basically any interpretation of
religion is a product of its time and mutates with the culture.
God does not mutate, men do.
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.

So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-19 10:29:56 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
dr phil is that kook psychiatrist right? you are lucky i have
some cultural knowledge. so basically any interpretation of
religion is a product of its time and mutates with the culture.
God does not mutate, men do.
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
You are in time with dickheadness, Bonger.

In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-09-20 05:15:50 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.

Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-20 11:59:59 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.

In the beginning, God, God eternal
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-09-20 19:18:02 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.

Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
"Notice, John, CringeRose is always hiding in the shadows
and never addresses head on what I say." -- MX, in
Message-ID: <vcj4vp$vp40$***@dont-email.me>
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-20 21:06:32 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.
But, but, what you say is complete crap and you know it? :-).

In the beginning, God, God eternal
Post by El Kabong
Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-09-21 02:58:51 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.
But, but, what you say is complete crap and you know it? :-).
See? You just did it again. You leapt into the shadow
of derogation instead of head-on confrontation of my
salient point.

Glad we settled that. Now, who died and appointed You
the Omnipotent Judge Of What's Complete Crap And What's
Only Partial Crap?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
Oops! Another shadow dive. Your non-response is taken as
tacit admission that you've been on a sin binge for more
than 37 years.
"Notice, John, CringeRose is always hiding in the shadows
and never addresses head on what I say." -- MX, in
Message-ID: <vcj4vp$vp40$***@dont-email.me>
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-21 10:30:09 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.
But, but, what you say is complete crap and you know it? :-).
See? You just did it again. You leapt into the shadow
of derogation instead of head-on confrontation of my
salient point.
Glad we settled that. Now, who died and appointed You
the Omnipotent Judge Of What's Complete Crap And What's
Only Partial Crap?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
Oops! Another shadow dive. Your non-response is taken as
tacit admission that you've been on a sin binge for more
than 37 years.
What I wanna know is do you see yourself more as a fool than a dickhead
or the other way around?

And you ran away and refused to answer my other question because you are
afraid of the truth. I'll ask it again hoping you don't wimp out this time.

Are you a platypus?

In the beginning, God, God eternal, Goofies!
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-09-22 04:32:44 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.
But, but, what you say is complete crap and you know it? :-).
See? You just did it again. You leapt into the shadow
of derogation instead of head-on confrontation of my
salient point.
Glad we settled that. Now, who died and appointed You
the Omnipotent Judge Of What's Complete Crap And What's
Only Partial Crap?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
Oops! Another shadow dive. Your non-response is taken as
tacit admission that you've been on a sin binge for more
than 37 years.
What I wanna know is do you see yourself more as a fool than a dickhead
or the other way around?
And you ran away and refused to answer my other question because you are
afraid of the truth. I'll ask it again hoping you don't wimp out this time.
I asked a question.

Kami asked a question.

You asked no question, only shadow-cringing avoidance.
False witnessing is a sin, you know.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Are you a platypus?
MX, you silly sinner twat, i'm a horse. How many times
do I have to tell you?

In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-22 04:41:26 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.
But, but, what you say is complete crap and you know it? :-).
See? You just did it again. You leapt into the shadow
of derogation instead of head-on confrontation of my
salient point.
Glad we settled that. Now, who died and appointed You
the Omnipotent Judge Of What's Complete Crap And What's
Only Partial Crap?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
Oops! Another shadow dive. Your non-response is taken as
tacit admission that you've been on a sin binge for more
than 37 years.
What I wanna know is do you see yourself more as a fool than a dickhead
or the other way around?
And you ran away and refused to answer my other question because you are
afraid of the truth. I'll ask it again hoping you don't wimp out this time.
I asked a question.
Kami asked a question.
You asked no question, only shadow-cringing avoidance.
False witnessing is a sin, you know.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Are you a platypus?
MX, you silly sinner twat, i'm a horse. How many times
do I have to tell you?
You are not telling the truth, Bongo. You lied about being a platypus,
you lied about being a horse, and all along you have been a cartoon.

It all fits into place now.

In the beginning, God, God eternal
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-09-22 04:53:48 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.
But, but, what you say is complete crap and you know it? :-).
See? You just did it again. You leapt into the shadow
of derogation instead of head-on confrontation of my
salient point.
Glad we settled that. Now, who died and appointed You
the Omnipotent Judge Of What's Complete Crap And What's
Only Partial Crap?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
Oops! Another shadow dive. Your non-response is taken as
tacit admission that you've been on a sin binge for more
than 37 years.
What I wanna know is do you see yourself more as a fool than a dickhead
or the other way around?
And you ran away and refused to answer my other question because you are
afraid of the truth. I'll ask it again hoping you don't wimp out this time.
I asked a question.
Kami asked a question.
You asked no question, only shadow-cringing avoidance.
False witnessing is a sin, you know.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Are you a platypus?
MX, you silly sinner twat, i'm a horse. How many times
do I have to tell you?
You are not telling the truth, Bongo. You lied about being a platypus,
you lied about being a horse, and all along you have been a cartoon.
MX, you lied about being Christ (not to mention God), and
you lied about not sinning for 37 years. There's more,
but beside that, all else pales into insignificance.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It all fits into place now.
Sinners gonna sin.

"I am God." ——"Michael Christ", in
Message-ID: <u3ksrk$1fm8m$***@dont-email.me>
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-22 09:29:34 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by kami
actually here we encounter a problem, if god does not change at
all, how does time flow for god?
It doesn't. God is eternal, no time.
But He placed us in time for his eternal purposes.
If a god is outside of time, then there is no temporal
sequence to whatever acts the god [TING] does. There is
no first or last.
Bongs, how ya goin'? That is right, but don't forget, He also placed
Himself in time for our sake.
That's not any more possible than you "placing" yourself
in a 2-dimensional world. A 3D human can't survive in a
2D world, let alone be constrained to one.
Gods [TANG] are not 3D+time creatures either. Your god
couldn't fit within time. It's on the outside looking in.
Haven't you read your bible, Bongo? With God, all things are possible.
Stop worshiping your bible. It's no more authoratative
than Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
So it's entirely plausible that a god could create
<snip MX's going-nowhere dicktalk written in lieu of
admitting wrongheadedness>
Post by In the Name of Jesus
In the beginning, God, God eternal <<<=== isn't it ironic, given the
context, you have seen that many times, yet you have not seen it.
What makes you think your incoherent nuttery has value?
It's not surprising that you say kooky things, because...
There you go, MX, diving into the shadows, never to
address head-on what I say.
But, but, what you say is complete crap and you know it? :-).
See? You just did it again. You leapt into the shadow
of derogation instead of head-on confrontation of my
salient point.
Glad we settled that. Now, who died and appointed You
the Omnipotent Judge Of What's Complete Crap And What's
Only Partial Crap?
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Do you think that shameless hypocrisy was your first sin
in 37 years?
Oops! Another shadow dive. Your non-response is taken as
tacit admission that you've been on a sin binge for more
than 37 years.
What I wanna know is do you see yourself more as a fool than a dickhead
or the other way around?
And you ran away and refused to answer my other question because you are
afraid of the truth. I'll ask it again hoping you don't wimp out this time.
I asked a question.
Kami asked a question.
You asked no question, only shadow-cringing avoidance.
False witnessing is a sin, you know.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Are you a platypus?
MX, you silly sinner twat, i'm a horse. How many times
do I have to tell you?
You are not telling the truth, Bongo. You lied about being a platypus,
you lied about being a horse, and all along you have been a cartoon.
MX, you lied about being Christ (not to mention God), and
you lied about not sinning for 37 years. There's more,
but beside that, all else pales into insignificance.
If it is insignificant, what is your problem? You don't know, do you.
That is because you are a dickhead and an athickest. :-).
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It all fits into place now.
Sinners gonna sin.
Tell me about it!
Post by El Kabong
"I am God." ——"Michael Christ", in
God is God, Bongs.

And soon you'll be able to see what He thinks of the cartoon you made of
your life.

Just learn these two things in your life, and a suggestion.

1) You can't win.

2) You can't get away wiff it.

3) Get jiggy wiff it.

In the beginning, God, God eternal - obviously.
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-09-22 18:33:10 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
"I am God." ——"Michael Christ", in
God is God, Bongs.
No, you aren't.

<snip homoerotic solicitation>
El Kabong
2024-09-22 18:38:40 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
You are not telling the truth, Bongo. You lied about being a platypus,
you lied about being a horse, and all along you have been a cartoon.
MX, you lied about being Christ (not to mention God), and
you lied about not sinning for 37 years. There's more,
but beside that, all else pales into insignificance.
If it is insignificant, what is your problem? You don't know, do you.
That is because you are a dickhead and an athickest. :-).
I didn't say your lies are insignificant. Quite to the
contrary. That's just your reptilianoid dumb side being
in charge.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-22 21:55:42 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
You are not telling the truth, Bongo. You lied about being a platypus,
you lied about being a horse, and all along you have been a cartoon.
MX, you lied about being Christ (not to mention God), and
you lied about not sinning for 37 years. There's more,
but beside that, all else pales into insignificance.
If it is insignificant, what is your problem? You don't know, do you.
That is because you are a dickhead and an athickest. :-).
I didn't say your lies are insignificant. Quite to the
contrary. That's just your reptilianoid dumb side being
in charge.
You are being insignificant, Bogs.

My advice: stop being an athickest!

In the beginning, God, God eternal - you dickhead.
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Vegemite Meatloaf
2024-09-22 06:36:23 UTC
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:41:26 +1000
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It all fits into place now.
Your novella-length signature sure as shit doesn't fit any place.

Did you get roo-barred and fall on your head?

For fuck sakes trim your cunt hairs you tasteless drama queen.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-22 09:42:40 UTC
Post by Vegemite Meatloaf
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:41:26 +1000
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It all fits into place now.
Your novella-length signature sure as shit doesn't fit any place.
Did you get roo-barred and fall on your head?
For fuck sakes trim your cunt hairs you tasteless drama queen.
1) See if you can cope; get a life. :-).

2) My signature is your Creator speaking.

3) Find something meaningful in your life.

No charge.

In the beginning, God, God eternal - get busy.
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
2024-09-22 13:24:53 UTC
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 19:42:40 +1000
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Vegemite Meatloaf
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:41:26 +1000
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It all fits into place now.
Your novella-length signature sure as shit doesn't fit any place.
Did you get roo-barred and fall on your head?
For fuck sakes trim your cunt hairs you tasteless drama queen.
1) See if you can cope; get a life. :-).
2) My signature is your Creator speaking.
Nay, your signature is Satan mocking God and Christ. That is your
obvious intent for which you will be held to account.

But here is the inspiration of the Creator's true warriors speaking
directly to you:

"When the devil comes at night to worry me, this is what I say to him:
'Devil, I have to sleep now. That is God’s commandment, for us to work
by day and sleep at night.' If he keeps on nagging me and trots out my
sins, then I answer: 'Sweet devil, I know the whole list. But I have
done even more sin which is not on your list. Write there also that I
have shit in my breeches. Hang it around your neck and wipe your mouth
on it.' Then, if he won’t cease to accuse me of sins, I say in
contempt: 'Holy Satan, pray for me.' ('Sancte Satane, ora pro me')."

-- Martin Luther, arch enemy of lying Romish teachers

Holy Michael McSatan, pray for me!
Post by In the Name of Jesus
3) Find something meaningful in your life.
Isn't finding the Holy McSatan cursing my sins meaningful enough? Damn,
your standards are so immeasurably high, your Fartinoginous Majesty!
Get in the Chopper
2024-09-22 15:48:45 UTC
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 13:24:53 -0000
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
It's all green from here. Try saying this five times fast.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-22 21:17:29 UTC
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 19:42:40 +1000
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Vegemite Meatloaf
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:41:26 +1000
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It all fits into place now.
Your novella-length signature sure as shit doesn't fit any place.
Did you get roo-barred and fall on your head?
For fuck sakes trim your cunt hairs you tasteless drama queen.
1) See if you can cope; get a life. :-).
2) My signature is your Creator speaking.
Nay, your signature is Satan mocking God and Christ.
Tell me where and how. :-).

And, for the record, Martin Luther was Catholic and wanted to remain
Catholic; he just wanted to change a few things in the church. Get

You were told to find something meaningful in your life. Here you go:
for starters, find out that you are the spirit of Satan in your
"fartinoginous majesty."

In the Name of Jesus
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
That is your
obvious intent for which you will be held to account.
But here is the inspiration of the Creator's true warriors speaking
'Devil, I have to sleep now. That is God’s commandment, for us to work
by day and sleep at night.' If he keeps on nagging me and trots out my
sins, then I answer: 'Sweet devil, I know the whole list. But I have
done even more sin which is not on your list. Write there also that I
have shit in my breeches. Hang it around your neck and wipe your mouth
on it.' Then, if he won’t cease to accuse me of sins, I say in
contempt: 'Holy Satan, pray for me.' ('Sancte Satane, ora pro me')."
-- Martin Luther, arch enemy of lying Romish teachers
Holy Michael McSatan, pray for me!
Post by In the Name of Jesus
3) Find something meaningful in your life.
Isn't finding the Holy McSatan cursing my sins meaningful enough? Damn,
your standards are so immeasurably high, your Fartinoginous Majesty!
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Christ Rose
2024-09-22 21:52:18 UTC
On Mon, 23 Sep 2024 07:17:29 +1000
In the Name of McClean's McJesus Mockery
<***@outlook.com> wrote:
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Post by In the Name of Jesus
2) My signature is your Creator
Even the atheists see your hypocrisy.

You're in here all day accusing anyone
who bases their claims and faith in
Christ on what the God-breathed Bible
teaches about Christ, of being idolators
and worshipers of pen and ink and words
rather than God. You tell them to put
their Bible's down and walk away.

Then you proceed to publish your own
words, quips, and maxims all day long,
and try to persuade everyone that's what
they should believe instead. Somehow,
listening to your words all day and
being persuaded by them isn't idolatry,
but doing the same with the actual words
of God in Scripture is. Dumb hypocrite!

You even claim your most idiotic of
self-evident contradictions (e.g. that a
believer doesn't require faith to
believe in Christ) came from the "Holy

Net effect: You are the one promoting
idolatry in here, by trying to turn
people away from God's words to
McClean's Bible and McClean's McJesus.
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Nay, your signature is Satan mocking
God and Christ.
Tell me where and how. 🙂.
Show me where and how you mention the
saving gospel described in 1 Corinthians
15:1-4 in anything you write. I have yet
to hear you present the gospel to
anyone. I'm not saying you haven't, just
that if you do, it must be so rare that
I've never seen it.

The closest you come in your signature,
is in your citation of Romans 5:8. But
you're not using it to evangelize,
you're using it to try and bolster your
claims that you never sin and haven't in
over 37 years.

The net effect, is that your whole
content is mocking God, because
ultimately, you are telling people to
walk away from what God says in the
Bible, and then trying to replace it
with your own words and quips instead.

I remember about 20 years ago, when you
went through your King James phase,
where you were spouting of maxims all
day long in King James English, as if
you were writing Scripture. That was
when I first stopped following you. You
haven't changed much. You're still in
here pretending to write the words of
God, while trying to get people to put
down and walk away from the actual word
of God in the Bible.

Alluding to an actual Bible verse here
and there doesn't change that. You use
just enough Scripture to try and confuse
people who believe what God says in the
Bible, then you use that cred to try to
turn them away from the Bible to your
idolatrous words and ideas, instead.
And, for the record, Martin Luther was
Catholic and wanted to remain Catholic;
he just wanted to change a few things in
the church. Get edumacated.
You're as ignorant of history as you are
the Bible. You have a vague, thumbnail
grasp of either, and what you do know
you use to deceive and lead people away
from God's word to your own.
You were told to find something
for starters, find out that you are the
spirit of Satan in your "fartinoginous
Satan's initial, primary, and ongoing
attack on humanity, has been his effort
to turn people away from God's word to
his ideas, just like you.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

2024-09-22 21:56:25 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
On Mon, 23 Sep 2024 07:17:29 +1000
In the Name of McClean's McJesus Mockery
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Post by In the Name of Jesus
2) My signature is your Creator speaking.
Even the atheists see your hypocrisy.
You're in here all day accusing anyone who bases their claims and faith
in Christ on what the God-breathed Bible teaches about Christ, of being
idolators and worshipers of pen and ink and words rather than God. You
tell them to put their Bible's down and walk away.
Then you proceed to publish your own words, quips, and maxims all day
long, and try to persuade everyone that's what they should believe
instead. Somehow, listening to your words all day and being persuaded by
them isn't idolatry, but doing the same with the actual words of God in
Scripture is. Dumb hypocrite!
You even claim your most idiotic of self-evident contradictions (e.g.
that a believer doesn't require faith to believe in Christ) came from
the "Holy Spirit".
Net effect: You are the one promoting idolatry in here, by trying to
turn people away from God's words to McClean's Bible and McClean's McJesus.
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Nay, your signature is Satan mocking God and Christ.
Tell me where and how. 🙂.
Show me where and how you mention the saving gospel described in 1
Corinthians 15:1-4 in anything you write. I have yet to hear you present
the gospel to anyone. I'm not saying you haven't, just that if you do,
it must be so rare that I've never seen it.
The closest you come in your signature, is in your citation of Romans
5:8. But you're not using it to evangelize, you're using it to try and
bolster your claims that you never sin and haven't in over 37 years.
The net effect, is that your whole content is mocking God, because
ultimately, you are telling people to walk away from what God says in
the Bible, and then trying to replace it with your own words and quips
I remember about 20 years ago, when you went through your King James
phase, where you were spouting of maxims all day long in King James
English, as if you were writing Scripture. That was when I first stopped
following you. You haven't changed much. You're still in here pretending
to write the words of God, while trying to get people to put down and
walk away from the actual word of God in the Bible.
Alluding to an actual Bible verse here and there doesn't change that.
You use just enough Scripture to try and confuse people who believe what
God says in the Bible, then you use that cred to try to turn them away
from the Bible to your idolatrous words and ideas, instead.
And, for the record, Martin Luther was Catholic and wanted to remain
Catholic; he just wanted to change a few things in the church. Get
You're as ignorant of history as you are the Bible. You have a vague,
thumbnail grasp of either, and what you do know you use to deceive and
lead people away from God's word to your own.
for starters, find out that you are the spirit of Satan in your
"fartinoginous majesty."
Satan's initial, primary, and ongoing attack on humanity, has been his
effort to turn people away from God's word to his ideas, just like you.
did he tell you that
Christ Rose
2024-09-22 22:02:00 UTC
On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:56:25 -0700
% <***@gmail.com> wrote:
Post by %
Post by In the Name of Jesus
On Mon, 23 Sep 2024 07:17:29 +1000
In the Name of McClean's McJesus Mockery
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Post by In the Name of Jesus
2) My signature is your Creator
Even the atheists see your hypocrisy.
You're in here all day accusing anyone
who bases their claims and faith in
Christ on what the God-breathed Bible
teaches about Christ, of being
idolators and worshipers of pen and
ink and words rather than God. You
tell them to put their Bible's down
and walk away.
Then you proceed to publish your own
words, quips, and maxims all day long,
and try to persuade everyone that's
what they should believe instead.
Somehow, listening to your words all
day and being persuaded by them isn't
idolatry, but doing the same with the
actual words of God in Scripture is.
Dumb hypocrite!
You even claim your most idiotic of
self-evident contradictions (e.g. that
a believer doesn't require faith to
believe in Christ) came from the "Holy
Net effect: You are the one promoting
idolatry in here, by trying to turn
people away from God's words to
McClean's Bible and McClean's McJesus.
Vegetable Meathead (prove me wrong)
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Nay, your signature is Satan mocking
God and Christ.
Tell me where and how. 🙂.
Show me where and how you mention the
saving gospel described in 1
Corinthians 15:1-4 in anything you
write. I have yet to hear you present
the gospel to anyone. I'm not saying
you haven't, just that if you do, it
must be so rare that I've never seen it.
The closest you come in your
signature, is in your citation of
Romans 5:8. But you're not using it to
evangelize, you're using it to try and
bolster your claims that you never sin
and haven't in over 37 years.
The net effect, is that your whole
content is mocking God, because
ultimately, you are telling people to
walk away from what God says in the
Bible, and then trying to replace it
with your own words and quips instead.
I remember about 20 years ago, when
you went through your King James
phase, where you were spouting of
maxims all day long in King James
English, as if you were writing
Scripture. That was when I first
stopped following you. You haven't
changed much. You're still in here
pretending to write the words of God,
while trying to get people to put down
and walk away from the actual word of
God in the Bible.
Alluding to an actual Bible verse here
and there doesn't change that. You use
just enough Scripture to try and
confuse people who believe what God
says in the Bible, then you use that
cred to try to turn them away from the
Bible to your idolatrous words and
ideas, instead.
And, for the record, Martin Luther
was Catholic and wanted to remain
Catholic; he just wanted to change a
few things in the church. Get
You're as ignorant of history as you
are the Bible. You have a vague,
thumbnail grasp of either, and what
you do know you use to deceive and
lead people away from God's word to
your own.
You were told to find something
for starters, find out that you are
the spirit of Satan in your
"fartinoginous majesty."
Satan's initial, primary, and ongoing
attack on humanity, has been his
effort to turn people away from God's
word to his ideas, just like you.
did he tell you that
No, he told you what you just said.

Here's Satan trying to undermine God's
word in favor of his own, since the

“Now the serpent was more cunning than
any beast of the field which the LORD
God had made. And he said to the woman,
“Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat
of every tree of the garden’?”” (Genesis
3:1, NKJV)

Part 2 is where he substitutes his own
quips and ideas for the word of God.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-22 22:15:16 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
On Mon, 23 Sep 2024 07:17:29 +1000
In the Name of McClean's McJesus Mockery
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Post by In the Name of Jesus
2) My signature is your Creator speaking.
Even the atheists see your hypocrisy.
Stop and think about what you have just said.

Let it sink in.

Now apply some scripture!

Atheists see?

In the Name of Jesus

PS: That is all nonsense you speak below, like above.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
You're in here all day accusing anyone who bases their claims and faith
in Christ on what the God-breathed Bible teaches about Christ, of being
idolators and worshipers of pen and ink and words rather than God. You
tell them to put their Bible's down and walk away.
Then you proceed to publish your own words, quips, and maxims all day
long, and try to persuade everyone that's what they should believe
instead. Somehow, listening to your words all day and being persuaded by
them isn't idolatry, but doing the same with the actual words of God in
Scripture is. Dumb hypocrite!
You even claim your most idiotic of self-evident contradictions (e.g.
that a believer doesn't require faith to believe in Christ) came from
the "Holy Spirit".
Net effect: You are the one promoting idolatry in here, by trying to
turn people away from God's words to McClean's Bible and McClean's McJesus.
Post by Holy Satan, Pray for Me!
Nay, your signature is Satan mocking God and Christ.
Tell me where and how. 🙂.
Show me where and how you mention the saving gospel described in 1
Corinthians 15:1-4 in anything you write. I have yet to hear you present
the gospel to anyone. I'm not saying you haven't, just that if you do,
it must be so rare that I've never seen it.
The closest you come in your signature, is in your citation of Romans
5:8. But you're not using it to evangelize, you're using it to try and
bolster your claims that you never sin and haven't in over 37 years.
The net effect, is that your whole content is mocking God, because
ultimately, you are telling people to walk away from what God says in
the Bible, and then trying to replace it with your own words and quips
I remember about 20 years ago, when you went through your King James
phase, where you were spouting of maxims all day long in King James
English, as if you were writing Scripture. That was when I first stopped
following you. You haven't changed much. You're still in here pretending
to write the words of God, while trying to get people to put down and
walk away from the actual word of God in the Bible.
Alluding to an actual Bible verse here and there doesn't change that.
You use just enough Scripture to try and confuse people who believe what
God says in the Bible, then you use that cred to try to turn them away
from the Bible to your idolatrous words and ideas, instead.
And, for the record, Martin Luther was Catholic and wanted to remain
Catholic; he just wanted to change a few things in the church. Get
You're as ignorant of history as you are the Bible. You have a vague,
thumbnail grasp of either, and what you do know you use to deceive and
lead people away from God's word to your own.
for starters, find out that you are the spirit of Satan in your
"fartinoginous majesty."
Satan's initial, primary, and ongoing attack on humanity, has been his
effort to turn people away from God's word to his ideas, just like you.
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Christ Rose
2024-09-22 22:20:44 UTC
On 9/22/2024 5:15 PM, In the Name of
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Christ Rose
Even the atheists see your hypocrisy.
Stop and think about what you have just
Let it sink in.
Now apply some scripture!
Atheists see?
Sure. Let's apply some Scripture, since
you're ignorant of most of it:

“One of them, a prophet of their own,
said, “Cretans are always liars, evil
beasts, lazy gluttons.” This testimony
is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply,
that they may be sound in the faith,”
(Titus 1:12–13, NKJV)

So yes, even a pagan liar gets some
things right. In your zeal to condemn
everything you don't write, you have
become an enemy of the truth itself.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-22 22:31:38 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Christ Rose
Even the atheists see your hypocrisy.
Stop and think about what you have just said.
Let it sink in.
Now apply some scripture!
Atheists see?
You can't see because you won't see.

Atheists cannot see! And you are using them for a reference?

You can't win because you are still in your sin.

In the Name of Jesus
“One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars,
evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke
them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith,” (Titus 1:12–13, NKJV)
So yes, even a pagan liar gets some things right. In your zeal to
condemn everything you don't write, you have become an enemy of the
truth itself.
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-16 19:30:42 UTC
Sincerely James.
Is the Bible so old so as
not to obey its truths?
Go to jw.org
for answers.
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-16 23:50:50 UTC
Post by z***@windstream.net
Sincerely James.
Is the Bible so old so as
not to obey its truths?
Go to jw.org
for answers.
You don't obey. You're a sinner, remember?

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God, God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-16 22:04:43 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
Because you, night bulb, and AI ROSIE have added to the list your own

There is only one Body of Christ. And that is made up of all true Born Again
Dawn Flood
2024-09-17 14:40:17 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."

The reason why there are thousands of Christian denominations is because
religious faith of all stripes are the products of human imaginations
and social interactions, and as with all memes, religious ideas &
traditions evolve under the selective pressures of economic & political
forces, societal norms, human psychological needs, etc.

In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-18 00:03:08 UTC
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the
God of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are
lost in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to
find the God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring
his scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich
young ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
The reason why there are thousands of Christian denominations is because
religious faith of all stripes are the products of human imaginations
and social interactions, and as with all memes, religious ideas &
traditions evolve under the selective pressures of economic & political
forces, societal norms, human psychological needs, etc.
You do what you do, Dawn Belle, man does what man does, and God does
what He does.

You are looking for excuse; there is no excuse, you have all of creation
declaring His works.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Dawn Flood
2024-09-17 14:40:43 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."

The reason why there are thousands of Christian denominations is because
religious faith of all stripes are the products of human imaginations
and social interactions, and as with all memes, religious ideas &
traditions evolve under the selective pressures of economic & political
forces, societal norms, human psychological needs, etc.

2024-09-17 18:34:17 UTC
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
The reason why there are thousands of Christian denominations is because
religious faith of all stripes are the products of human imaginations
and social interactions, and as with all memes, religious ideas&
traditions evolve under the selective pressures of economic & political
forces, societal norms, human psychological needs, etc.
Are you and Kami one and the same?
Dawn Flood
2024-09-20 04:30:11 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
The reason why there are thousands of Christian denominations is because
religious faith of all stripes are the products of human imaginations
and social interactions, and as with all memes, religious ideas&
traditions evolve under the selective pressures of economic & political
forces, societal norms, human psychological needs, etc.
Are you and Kami one and the same?
2024-09-20 06:10:38 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
What does that tell you?
It tells you they worship themselves in their bibles.
If you stop and actually think, it is so clear, isn't it!
You have to put the bible down and find Him in your daily life or you
will simply continue in your sinful self-worship! When you know the God
of everything and everywhere, nothing is without significance.
Unfortunately, though, our denomination says...
"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible."
Well, then, who is going to speak?
But, but we are lost without our bibles? Yes, you are, but you are lost
in them and don't know it (2 Tim 3:7); all the more reason to find the
God of the universe in the universe.
Remember, the Lord Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to bring his
scriptures with him (go and sell all that you have), for the rich young
ruler would have had all scripture walking with him.
How plain is it?
Faith, real faith in Him, not in "Lord, Lord, our flawed thoughts."
The reason why there are thousands of Christian denominations is because
religious faith of all stripes are the products of human imaginations
and social interactions, and as with all memes, religious ideas&
traditions evolve under the selective pressures of economic & political
forces, societal norms, human psychological needs, etc.
Are you and Kami one and the same?
Thx. There seemed to be a lot of similarities.
Christ Rose
2024-09-18 14:02:35 UTC
On Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:35:37 +1000
In the Name of Jesus
<***@outlook.com> wrote:
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
You stupid, lying hypocrite and
mouthpiece for Satan. You sit there all
day for decades, putting your own
thoughts into written words, trying to
persuade people with that to believe as
you do. You even claim your ideas are
coming from the Holy Spirit. Yet you
never associate your own efforts to
persuade people with your own written
words as being the promotion of some
kind of idolatrous worship. Dumb hypocrite!

Then, we have the word of God, which
actually is God-breathed, and actually
does come from the Holy Spirit (2
Timothy 3:15-16). It says it was written
to persuade people to trust in Christ
for salvation (John 20:31). Then you try
to equate believing what the Bible says
and basing your faith in Christ on the
truth of God's very word, as being some
kind of idolatry. Tool of Satan!

“And truly Jesus did many other signs in
the presence of His disciples, which are
not written in this book; but THESE ARE
NAME.” (John 20:30–31, NKJV, emphasis mine)

One of the great purposes of God's
actual written word (the Bible), is to
persuade people to trust in Christ for
salvation. It is the vehicle God uses to
bring faith to His elect. You try to
undermine the very means by which saving
faith in Christ comes to people, which
is through the written and proclaimed
word of God (John 20:30-31; Romans 10:17).

And no doubt you'll try to explain this
away with more of your hypocrite, BS
written verbiage, as you worship your
own Bible contradicting thoughts, and
trying to make a vicarious atonement for
your own self-worshiping, self-deceived
religion, by accusing everyone else of
exactly what you're doing.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-18 23:17:04 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
On Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:35:37 +1000
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Because they worship the bible as God.
John, I'll give an extended reply to this blind "sinless perfection"
sinner Christian's deluded perceptions and judgements, but it's
wearisome putting up with his wanton will for a continuing sin state
(abuse of the Lord) to be the base of his "Christian" life.

It is vile; it is disgusting.

They hold their 'self-sinner state' up higher than the power of the Lord
to ***totally*** cleanse of all unrighteousness, to their great shame,
and ultimately to the abhorrence of all witnesses, including themselves.

It appears his fallen mind is impenetrable now.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
You stupid, lying hypocrite and mouthpiece for Satan. You sit there all
day for decades, putting your own thoughts into written words, trying to
persuade people with that to believe as you do.
"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

ChristRose is the one who is trying to persuade by he will of his flesh
in this sin state. You can see that now.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
You even claim your
ideas are coming from the Holy Spirit.
"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Yet you never associate your own
efforts to persuade people with your own written words as being the
promotion of some kind of idolatrous worship. Dumb hypocrite!
Mr. Persuader in his sin state is offended in his heart because deep
down in there he knows that he worships his bible as God. And the reason
why? He doesn't have a personal relationship with the LORD.

"Because they worship the bible as God."
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Then, we have the word of God, which actually is God-breathed, and
actually does come from the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:15-16). It says it
was written to persuade people to trust in Christ for salvation (John
Of course, I agree, trust in the Lord, but not a book they "play" with
in their fallen state religious ways.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Then you try to equate believing what the Bible says and basing
your faith in Christ on the truth of God's very word, as being some kind
of idolatry. Tool of Satan!
Twisted context. It is what he equates of me in his "sinless perfection"
sin state.

He doesn't base his faith in God, but in a book he interprets in his sin
state. He is polluted. For a man to have faith in the Lord, he has to
meet Him in Person, in Spirit. You can't learn God; you have to
experience Him through Him revealing Himself to you (example: Job), and
ChristRose has not had that experience, so he disavows the knowledge.

Also, all the writing in the bible is about men ***who experienced the
Lord*** in Spirit. God is not a respecter of persons. He'll speak to
anyone in their heart, and they will know it is Him; He made those
hearts! :-).
Post by In the Name of Jesus
“And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples,
which are not written in this book; but THESE ARE WRITTEN THAT YOU MAY
MAY HAVE LIFE IN HIS NAME.” (John 20:30–31, NKJV, emphasis mine)
Believe in Him or believe in a book that he interprets accordingly in
his fallen continuing sin state. You see, they have no acknowledgement
that their sin state impedes their ability to receive the truth at
all-none whatsoever, these 'self sinner perfectionists'.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
One of the great purposes of God's actual written word (the Bible), is
to persuade people to trust in Christ for salvation.
Trust in God or trust in themselves and their sinner state bible theology?

"Because they worship the bible as God."

Because they worship themselves in their sin state with their bibles.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the vehicle
God uses to bring faith to His elect.
To bring them to Whom? But he puts his faith in the car because he is
the damned sinner driver!!!

How clear is that???!!!

"Because they worship the bible as God."

Because they worship themselves in their sin state with their bibles.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
You try to undermine the very
means by which saving faith in Christ comes to people, which is through
the written and proclaimed word of God (John 20:30-31; Romans 10:17).
So, ChristRose's twisted context yet again. It is what he equates and
hopes of me in his "sinless perfection" sin state.

By all means, read the bible, but it is, as he himself says, 'a
vehicle,' that is all, that brings you to the Lord; He is the glorious
end, for the Word of God is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, not a bible.
He is a Person, not an "it."

ChristRose doesn't know that because he has not had the experience. All
he knows is his sin state religion, ways, and theology.

The Lord is the living Word, He, not his coffee table bible.

The Holy Spirit said:

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

If you look up to his thinking, you'll see he is still in his 'before
the crucifixion religious' state before coming to the Lord Jesus the
Saviour. The Lord to him is the written and proclaimed word of God.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
And no doubt you'll try to explain this away with more of your
hypocrite, BS written verbiage, as you worship your own Bible
contradicting thoughts, and trying to make a vicarious atonement for
your own self-worshiping, self-deceived religion, by accusing everyone
else of exactly what you're doing.
The only conciliation a man can receive is through an intimate
relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and not through a
sinner playing God with bible.

The Holy Spirit said:

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

ChristRose, you are a rebellious sinful unrepentant miscreant. Now, get
on your way, and take your 'exchanging the truth for a lie' religion
with you.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?