Four Reasons God Delays Judgment On Spiritual Forces
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Christ Rose
2024-10-04 11:10:57 UTC
Four Reasons God Delays Judgment On
Spiritual Forces


While some rebellious angels were
immediately bound until the day of
judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6), God
often delays judgment on spiritual
forces, letting them continue their work
for a while. These delays aren't random
or a sign that He doesn't care. Instead,
they serve important purposes in His
plan for redemption and justice. Let's
look at a few reasons why God waits to
carry out judgment on these forces,
based on what we find in the Bible.

1. To Purify and Strengthen the Faith of

In the story of Job, God permitted Satan
to test him. Satan sought to destroy
Job’s faith, but God used the trial for
a greater purpose: to refine and
strengthen Job’s righteousness. Though
Satan’s intentions were evil, God’s
ultimate purpose was to prove that Job’s
faith was genuine and to deepen his
reliance on God.

"And the Lord said to Satan, 'Behold,
all that he has is in your hand. Only
against him do not stretch out your
hand.' So Satan went out from the
presence of the Lord" (Job 1:12, ESV).

This delay in judgment against Satan
highlights that God uses even the
schemes of evil forces to purify the
faith of His people. Job’s experience
became a testimony to the endurance of
faith in suffering and to God’s ability
to bring about good from evil.

2. To Execute Justice on the Wicked

In the case of Ahab, God permitted lying
spirits to deceive him, which ultimately
led to his downfall. Ahab had
persistently rejected God’s commands and
embraced falsehood, and the lying
spirits were part of God's judgment
against him.

"Now therefore behold, the Lord has put
a lying spirit in the mouth of all these
your prophets; the Lord has declared
disaster for you" (1 Kings 22:23, ESV).

This demonstrates that God sometimes
allows evil spirits to act in ways that
fulfill His righteous judgment. Ahab's
refusal to listen to God resulted in him
being given over to deception, showing
that God’s delay in judgment can serve
as a means of executing justice in His
perfect timing.

3. To Allow Time for Repentance

Another reason for God’s delay in
judgment is His mercy and patience,
allowing sinners the opportunity to
repent. Though this specifically applies
to human beings, it demonstrates God’s
long-suffering nature even while
spiritual forces continue their
wickedness for a time.

"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his
promise as some count slowness, but is
patient toward you, not wishing that any
should perish, but that all should reach
repentance" (2 Peter 3:9, ESV).

While spiritual forces themselves are
beyond redemption, God’s delay in final
judgment allows for the gospel to spread
and for more people to come to saving
faith in Christ. God’s patience benefits
humanity, even while evil forces remain
active for a time.

4. To Magnify Christ’s Superiority Over Evil

God’s delay in judgment serves a greater
purpose: to demonstrate His power over
rebellious spiritual forces and magnify
Christ’s superiority when the final
judgment comes. Throughout Scripture,
God allows evil forces to persist for a
time, whether through spiritual powers
like Satan or human rulers like Pharaoh,
so that His ultimate victory will be
even more glorious. This delay magnifies
Christ’s authority as the victorious King.

In the case of Pharaoh, God allowed him
to continue in rebellion for a time to
display His superiority. Pharaoh’s
resistance culminated in the powerful
signs and wonders that God performed in
delivering Israel, showing His unmatched
authority over human and spiritual
forces alike.

"For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, 'For
this very purpose I have raised you up,
that I might show my power in you, and
that my name might be proclaimed in all
the earth'" (Romans 9:17, ESV).

A similar pattern is seen during the
life and ministry of Christ. There
appears to have been an unusual amount
of demonic activity in Israel during His
earthly life, with numerous accounts of
demonic possession and confrontation
(e.g., Matthew 8:28-29; Mark 1:23-27).
This increased demonic presence
furnished the backdrop for Christ to
demonstrate His superior power and
authority over the forces of evil. When
He cast out demons, He showed His
absolute command over them, highlighting
His supremacy as the Son of God and His
role as the one who would ultimately
defeat Satan.

"And immediately there was in their
synagogue a man with an unclean spirit.
And he cried out, 'What have you to do
with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you
come to destroy us? I know who you
are—the Holy One of God.' But Jesus
rebuked him, saying, 'Be silent, and
come out of him!' And the unclean
spirit, convulsing him and crying out
with a loud voice, came out of him"
(Mark 1:23-26, ESV).

This theme is carried forward in the
ultimate defeat of Satan and the
spiritual forces of evil, described in
Revelation. The delay in judgment allows
God’s power to be displayed in all its
fullness when Satan is finally cast down.

"And I heard a loud voice in heaven,
saying, 'Now the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God and the
authority of his Christ have come, for
the accuser of our brothers has been
thrown down, who accuses them day and
night before our God. And they have
conquered him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony, for
they loved not their lives even unto
death'" (Revelation 12:10-11, ESV).

Similarly, the fall of Babylon in
Revelation, which represents the corrupt
world system under the influence of evil
spiritual forces, results in great
rejoicing in heaven. God's judgment,
long delayed, magnifies the glory of His
justice and the supremacy of Christ.

"Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you
saints and apostles and prophets, for
God has given judgment for you against
her!" (Revelation 18:20, ESV).

"And after this I heard what seemed to
be the loud voice of a great multitude
in heaven, crying out, 'Hallelujah!
Salvation and glory and power belong to
our God, for his judgments are true and
just; for he has judged the great
prostitute who corrupted the earth with
her immorality, and has avenged on her
the blood of his servants'" (Revelation
19:1-2, ESV).

By allowing evil to fully reveal itself,
God ensures that His power and Christ’s
authority are displayed in full measure
when He brings final judgment. This
delay highlights Christ’s ultimate
superiority over every evil power and
magnifies His victory over them all.


God’s delay in executing judgment on
spiritual forces is not a sign of
indifference, but rather part of His
sovereign plan to purify the faith of
His people, execute justice on the
wicked, allow time for repentance, and
magnify Christ’s superiority over evil.
In all these instances, God’s timing is
perfect, and His purposes reveal the
fullness of His justice and the
supremacy of Christ. While we may long
for immediate justice, God’s delays
always serve to bring greater glory to
His name and fulfill His redemptive plan
for creation.

Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

Christ Rose
2024-10-04 19:42:58 UTC
Here comes envy boy to troll up the thread:

On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 12:19:12 -0700
Robert <***@no.way> wrote:
Post by Christ Rose
Four Reasons God Delays Judgment On
Spiritual Forces
While some rebellious angels were
immediately bound until the day of
judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6), God
often delays judgment on spiritual
forces, letting them continue their work
for a while. These delays aren't random
or a sign that He doesn't care. Instead,
they serve important purposes in His
plan for redemption and justice. Let's
look at a few reasons why God waits to
carry out judgment on these forces,
based on what we find in the Bible.
From the article below:

“While spiritual forces themselves are
beyond redemption, God’s delay in final
judgment allows for the gospel to spread
and for more people to come to saving
faith in Christ.”
Satan and his angels will not be redeemed, the “their appointed day to go
to the Lake of Fire is on the “judgment of the great day” when all the
heathen are judged.
Who said angels will be redeemed? This
article says they are "beyond
redemption". Did you answer before
reading again?

“If one gives an answer before he hears,
it is his folly and shame.” (Proverbs
18:13, ESV)
Post by Christ Rose
1. To Purify and Strengthen the Faith of
The faith of God given to believers is Pure.
“But He knows the way that I take; When
He has tested me, I shall come forth as
gold.” (Job 23:10, NKJV)

Robert's answer as to why God delays a
long time between verdict and sentencing
for fallen angels:

On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:48:19 -0700
Robert <***@no.way> wrote:
Post by Christ Rose
Why the long time between verdict and sentencing when God is supposed
to be the judge?
I don’t know the answer to that.

Robert after I post the answer:

Suddenly knows everything about it, and
is here to offer correction.

Three strikes. You're out. Go poison
someone else's thread.
Post by Christ Rose
In the story of Job, God permitted Satan
to test him. Satan sought to destroy
Job’s faith, but God used the trial for
a greater purpose: to refine and
strengthen Job’s righteousness. Though
Satan’s intentions were evil, God’s
ultimate purpose was to prove that Job’s
faith was genuine and to deepen his
reliance on God.
Job described the pit of hell.
Post by Christ Rose
"And the Lord said to Satan, 'Behold,
all that he has is in your hand. Only
against him do not stretch out your
hand.' So Satan went out from the
presence of the Lord" (Job 1:12, ESV).
Job had faith in God, no matter how badly he was beaten down. Which is what
satan wanted to prove God wrong. That God used those circumstances to the
good of Job, is what he does for all Believers who depend upon him.
Post by Christ Rose
This delay in judgment against Satan
highlights that God uses even the
schemes of evil forces to purify the
faith of His people. Job’s experience
became a testimony to the endurance of
faith in suffering and to God’s ability
to bring about good from evil.
Jobs faith continued and was drawn upon in the great times he had, before the
tests of Satan. That is why he had all that he had before the attack.
Something that satan complained about to God.
Post by Christ Rose
2. To Execute Justice on the Wicked
Satan and his angels are in the holding pen, the pit of hell, as are all men
who died without God in their lives.
Jud 1:6 speaks of the great day of judgment.
Post by Christ Rose
In the case of Ahab, God permitted lying
spirits to deceive him, which ultimately
led to his downfall. Ahab had
persistently rejected God’s commands and
embraced falsehood, and the lying
spirits were part of God's judgment
against him.
"Now therefore behold, the Lord has put
a lying spirit in the mouth of all these
your prophets; the Lord has declared
disaster for you" (1 Kings 22:23, ESV).
"And now, behold, the Lord has put a false spirit in the mouth of all these
thy prophets, and the Lord has spoken evil against thee.”
*put* - Give: [A generic verb with a wide application meaning to give] [freq.
2008] (vf: Paal, Niphal, Hophal) |kjv: give, put, deliver, made, set, up,
lay, grant, suffer, yield, bring, cause, utter, send, recompense, appoint,
show| {H5414} “suffer” to allow.
Post by Christ Rose
This demonstrates that God sometimes
allows evil spirits to act in ways that
fulfill His righteous judgment. Ahab's
refusal to listen to God resulted in him
being given over to deception, showing
that God’s delay in judgment can serve
as a means of executing justice in His
perfect timing.
3. To Allow Time for Repentance
Satan and his angels, and dead un-saved mankind, are far beyond any hope of
Post by Christ Rose
Another reason for God’s delay in
judgment is His mercy and patience,
allowing sinners the opportunity to
repent. Though this specifically applies
to human beings, it demonstrates God’s
long-suffering nature even while
spiritual forces continue their
wickedness for a time.
"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his
promise as some count slowness, but is
patient toward you, not wishing that any
should perish, but that all should reach
repentance" (2 Peter 3:9, ESV).
While spiritual forces themselves are
beyond redemption, God’s delay in final
judgment allows for the gospel to spread
and for more people to come to saving
faith in Christ. God’s patience benefits
humanity, even while evil forces remain
active for a time.
4. To Magnify Christ’s Superiority Over Evil
God’s delay in judgment serves a greater
purpose: to demonstrate His power over
rebellious spiritual forces and magnify
Christ’s superiority when the final
judgment comes. Throughout Scripture,
God allows evil forces to persist for a
time, whether through spiritual powers
like Satan or human rulers like Pharaoh,
so that His ultimate victory will be
even more glorious. This delay magnifies
Christ’s authority as the victorious King.
In the case of Pharaoh, God allowed him
to continue in rebellion for a time to
display His superiority. Pharaoh’s
resistance culminated in the powerful
signs and wonders that God performed in
delivering Israel, showing His unmatched
authority over human and spiritual
forces alike.
"For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, 'For
this very purpose I have raised you up,
that I might show my power in you, and
that my name might be proclaimed in all
the earth'" (Romans 9:17, ESV).
A similar pattern is seen during the
life and ministry of Christ. There
appears to have been an unusual amount
of demonic activity in Israel during His
earthly life, with numerous accounts of
demonic possession and confrontation
(e.g., Matthew 8:28-29; Mark 1:23-27).
This increased demonic presence
furnished the backdrop for Christ to
demonstrate His superior power and
authority over the forces of evil. When
He cast out demons, He showed His
absolute command over them, highlighting
His supremacy as the Son of God and His
role as the one who would ultimately
defeat Satan.
"And immediately there was in their
synagogue a man with an unclean spirit.
And he cried out, 'What have you to do
with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you
come to destroy us? I know who you
are—the Holy One of God.' But Jesus
rebuked him, saying, 'Be silent, and
come out of him!' And the unclean
spirit, convulsing him and crying out
with a loud voice, came out of him"
(Mark 1:23-26, ESV).
This theme is carried forward in the
ultimate defeat of Satan and the
spiritual forces of evil, described in
Revelation. The delay in judgment allows
God’s power to be displayed in all its
fullness when Satan is finally cast down.
"And I heard a loud voice in heaven,
saying, 'Now the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God and the
authority of his Christ have come, for
the accuser of our brothers has been
thrown down, who accuses them day and
night before our God. And they have
conquered him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony, for
they loved not their lives even unto
death'" (Revelation 12:10-11, ESV).
Similarly, the fall of Babylon in
Revelation, which represents the corrupt
world system under the influence of evil
spiritual forces, results in great
rejoicing in heaven. God's judgment,
long delayed, magnifies the glory of His
justice and the supremacy of Christ.
"Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you
saints and apostles and prophets, for
God has given judgment for you against
her!" (Revelation 18:20, ESV).
"And after this I heard what seemed to
be the loud voice of a great multitude
in heaven, crying out, 'Hallelujah!
Salvation and glory and power belong to
our God, for his judgments are true and
just; for he has judged the great
prostitute who corrupted the earth with
her immorality, and has avenged on her
the blood of his servants'" (Revelation
19:1-2, ESV).
By allowing evil to fully reveal itself,
God ensures that His power and Christ’s
authority are displayed in full measure
when He brings final judgment. This
delay highlights Christ’s ultimate
superiority over every evil power and
magnifies His victory over them all.
God’s delay in executing judgment on
spiritual forces is not a sign of
indifference, but rather part of His
sovereign plan to purify the faith of
His people, execute justice on the
wicked, allow time for repentance, and
magnify Christ’s superiority over evil.
In all these instances, God’s timing is
perfect, and His purposes reveal the
fullness of His justice and the
supremacy of Christ. While we may long
for immediate justice, God’s delays
always serve to bring greater glory to
His name and fulfill His redemptive plan
for creation.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

2024-10-04 23:54:58 UTC
Post by Christ Rose
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 12:19:12 -0700
Post by Christ Rose
Four Reasons God Delays Judgment On
Spiritual Forces
While some rebellious angels were
immediately bound until the day of
judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6), God
often delays judgment on spiritual
forces, letting them continue their work
for a while. These delays aren't random
or a sign that He doesn't care. Instead,
they serve important purposes in His
plan for redemption and justice. Let's
look at a few reasons why God waits to
carry out judgment on these forces,
based on what we find in the Bible.
“While spiritual forces themselves are
beyond redemption, God’s delay in final
judgment allows for the gospel to spread
and for more people to come to saving
faith in Christ.”
That is NOT what you stated n your opening paragraph, and it was to that
paragraph I responded.

I addressed what you said, in the order you said it. I address your four
points and that was it. If what you stated is wrong, then just admit it.

In response to your injected comment above. You did not deny your error.
Post by Christ Rose
Satan and his angels will not be redeemed, the “their appointed day to go
to the Lake of Fire is on the “judgment of the great day” when all the
heathen are judged.
Who said angels will be redeemed? This
article says they are "beyond
redemption". Did you answer before
reading again?
I addressed your comment directly as stated. You were speaking of
“rebellious angels” and why their judgment was delayed. There was no
mention of living men or even the dead ones. Therefore, “Let us address
your faux paw” And there is no article.
Post by Christ Rose
“If one gives an answer before he hears,
it is his folly and shame.” (Proverbs
18:13, ESV)
Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think what they will, then to
open it and prove stupidity.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
1. To Purify and Strengthen the Faith of
The faith of God given to believers is Pure.
Robert's answer as to why God delays a
long time between verdict and sentencing
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:48:19 -0700
Post by Christ Rose
Why the long time between verdict and sentencing when God is supposed
to be the judge?
I don’t know the answer to that.
And that was correct at that time.
God revealed the answer to me soon after that. No AI needed nor wanted.
Post by Christ Rose
Suddenly knows everything about it, and
is here to offer correction.
Three strikes. You're out. Go poison
someone else's thread.
So I learned of God and kept my ears open to his word, eyes also.
You would seek to discount the will and power of God and ridicule His people,
that is on you.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
In the story of Job, God permitted Satan
to test him. Satan sought to destroy
Job’s faith, but God used the trial for
a greater purpose: to refine and
strengthen Job’s righteousness. Though
Satan’s intentions were evil, God’s
ultimate purpose was to prove that Job’s
faith was genuine and to deepen his
reliance on God.
Job described the pit of hell.
Post by Christ Rose
"And the Lord said to Satan, 'Behold,
all that he has is in your hand. Only
against him do not stretch out your
hand.' So Satan went out from the
presence of the Lord" (Job 1:12, ESV).
Job had faith in God, no matter how badly he was beaten down. Which is what
satan wanted to prove God wrong. That God used those circumstances to the
good of Job, is what he does for all Believers who depend upon him.
Post by Christ Rose
This delay in judgment against Satan
highlights that God uses even the
schemes of evil forces to purify the
faith of His people. Job’s experience
became a testimony to the endurance of
faith in suffering and to God’s ability
to bring about good from evil.
Jobs faith continued and was drawn upon in the great times he had, before the
tests of Satan. That is why he had all that he had before the attack.
Something that satan complained about to God.
Post by Christ Rose
2. To Execute Justice on the Wicked
Satan and his angels are in the holding pen, the pit of hell, as are all men
who died without God in their lives.
Jud 1:6 speaks of the great day of judgment.
Post by Christ Rose
In the case of Ahab, God permitted lying
spirits to deceive him, which ultimately
led to his downfall. Ahab had
persistently rejected God’s commands and
embraced falsehood, and the lying
spirits were part of God's judgment
against him.
"Now therefore behold, the Lord has put
a lying spirit in the mouth of all these
your prophets; the Lord has declared
disaster for you" (1 Kings 22:23, ESV).
"And now, behold, the Lord has put a false spirit in the mouth of all these
thy prophets, and the Lord has spoken evil against thee.”
*put* - Give: [A generic verb with a wide application meaning to give] [freq.
2008] (vf: Paal, Niphal, Hophal) |kjv: give, put, deliver, made, set, up,
lay, grant, suffer, yield, bring, cause, utter, send, recompense, appoint,
show| {H5414} “suffer” to allow.
Jhn 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I
have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Jhn 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have
love one to another.
Christ Rose
2024-10-05 00:43:01 UTC
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 16:54:58 -0700
Robert <***@no.way> wrote:
Post by Robert
Post by Christ Rose
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 12:19:12 -0700
Post by Christ Rose
Four Reasons God Delays Judgment On
Spiritual Forces
While some rebellious angels were
immediately bound until the day of
judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6), God
often delays judgment on spiritual
forces, letting them continue their work
for a while. These delays aren't random
or a sign that He doesn't care. Instead,
they serve important purposes in His
plan for redemption and justice. Let's
look at a few reasons why God waits to
carry out judgment on these forces,
based on what we find in the Bible.
“While spiritual forces themselves are
beyond redemption, God’s delay in final
judgment allows for the gospel to spread
and for more people to come to saving
faith in Christ.”
That is NOT what you stated n your opening paragraph, and it was to that
paragraph I responded.
Dumb liar. Show anywhere in this article
where it says angels will be redeemed.
Nowhere. You've again come into a
thread, starting trouble over nothing,
based on your own ignorant lies. Go
poison someone else's mind, troll.
Post by Robert
I addressed what you said, in the order you said it. I address your four
points and that was it. If what you stated is wrong, then just admit it.
In response to your injected comment above. You did not deny your error.
Post by Christ Rose
Satan and his angels will not be redeemed, the “their appointed day to go
to the Lake of Fire is on the “judgment of the great day” when all the
heathen are judged.
Who said angels will be redeemed? This
article says they are "beyond
redemption". Did you answer before
reading again?
I addressed your comment directly as stated. You were speaking of
“rebellious angels” and why their judgment was delayed. There was no
mention of living men or even the dead ones. Therefore, “Let us address
your faux paw” And there is no article.
Post by Christ Rose
“If one gives an answer before he hears,
it is his folly and shame.” (Proverbs
18:13, ESV)
Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think what they will, then to
open it and prove stupidity.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
1. To Purify and Strengthen the Faith of
The faith of God given to believers is Pure.
Robert's answer as to why God delays a
long time between verdict and sentencing
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:48:19 -0700
Post by Christ Rose
Why the long time between verdict and sentencing when God is supposed
to be the judge?
I don’t know the answer to that.
And that was correct at that time.
God revealed the answer to me soon after that. No AI needed nor wanted.
Post by Christ Rose
Suddenly knows everything about it, and
is here to offer correction.
Three strikes. You're out. Go poison
someone else's thread.
So I learned of God and kept my ears open to his word, eyes also.
You would seek to discount the will and power of God and ridicule His people,
that is on you.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
In the story of Job, God permitted Satan
to test him. Satan sought to destroy
Job’s faith, but God used the trial for
a greater purpose: to refine and
strengthen Job’s righteousness. Though
Satan’s intentions were evil, God’s
ultimate purpose was to prove that Job’s
faith was genuine and to deepen his
reliance on God.
Job described the pit of hell.
Post by Christ Rose
"And the Lord said to Satan, 'Behold,
all that he has is in your hand. Only
against him do not stretch out your
hand.' So Satan went out from the
presence of the Lord" (Job 1:12, ESV).
Job had faith in God, no matter how badly he was beaten down. Which is what
satan wanted to prove God wrong. That God used those circumstances to the
good of Job, is what he does for all Believers who depend upon him.
Post by Christ Rose
This delay in judgment against Satan
highlights that God uses even the
schemes of evil forces to purify the
faith of His people. Job’s experience
became a testimony to the endurance of
faith in suffering and to God’s ability
to bring about good from evil.
Jobs faith continued and was drawn upon in the great times he had, before the
tests of Satan. That is why he had all that he had before the attack.
Something that satan complained about to God.
Post by Christ Rose
2. To Execute Justice on the Wicked
Satan and his angels are in the holding pen, the pit of hell, as are all men
who died without God in their lives.
Jud 1:6 speaks of the great day of judgment.
Post by Christ Rose
In the case of Ahab, God permitted lying
spirits to deceive him, which ultimately
led to his downfall. Ahab had
persistently rejected God’s commands and
embraced falsehood, and the lying
spirits were part of God's judgment
against him.
"Now therefore behold, the Lord has put
a lying spirit in the mouth of all these
your prophets; the Lord has declared
disaster for you" (1 Kings 22:23, ESV).
"And now, behold, the Lord has put a false spirit in the mouth of all these
thy prophets, and the Lord has spoken evil against thee.”
*put* - Give: [A generic verb with a wide application meaning to give] [freq.
2008] (vf: Paal, Niphal, Hophal) |kjv: give, put, deliver, made, set, up,
lay, grant, suffer, yield, bring, cause, utter, send, recompense, appoint,
show| {H5414} “suffer” to allow.
Jhn 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I
have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Jhn 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have
love one to another.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

2024-10-05 04:12:21 UTC
Post by Christ Rose
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 16:54:58 -0700
Post by Robert
Post by Christ Rose
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 12:19:12 -0700
Post by Christ Rose
Four Reasons God Delays Judgment On
Spiritual Forces
While some rebellious angels were
immediately bound until the day of
judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6),
Subject is of the rebellious angels. This is and was your intent.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Robert
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
often delays judgment on spiritual
forces, letting them continue their work
for a while.
These delays aren't random
or a sign that He doesn't care. Instead,
they serve important purposes in His
plan for redemption and justice.
Point addressed here is to the subject of the rebellious Angels. No reference
given for anything or anyone else. You wrote this, or edited the work of AI,
but it was and is all under your control. If it was truly a mistake then own
it. If you intended ro say this, then shame on you.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Robert
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
look at a few reasons why God waits to
carry out judgment on these forces,
based on what we find in the Bible.
“While spiritual forces themselves are
beyond redemption, God’s delay in final
judgment allows for the gospel to spread
and for more people to come to saving
faith in Christ.”
That is NOT what you stated n your opening paragraph, and it was to that
paragraph I responded.
Dumb liar. Show anywhere in this article
where it says angels will be redeemed.
Nowhere. You've again come into a
thread, starting trouble over nothing,
based on your own ignorant lies. Go
poison someone else's mind, troll.
Your post for the four points was under your subject title for judgment on
spiritual forces. And the delay of it. Where in that paragraph did you
mention anything other than rebellious angels? You said what was on your
heart to say. Both on your original post as well as in your replies to
addressed to me.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Robert
I addressed what you said, in the order you said it. I address your four
points and that was it. If what you stated is wrong, then just admit it.
In response to your injected comment above. You did not deny your error.
Post by Christ Rose
Satan and his angels will not be redeemed, the “their appointed day to go
to the Lake of Fire is on the “judgment of the great day” when all the
heathen are judged.
Who said angels will be redeemed? This
article says they are "beyond
redemption". Did you answer before
reading again?
I addressed your comment directly as stated. You were speaking of
“rebellious angels” and why their judgment was delayed. There was no
mention of living men or even the dead ones. Therefore, “Let us address
your faux paw” And there is no article.
Post by Christ Rose
“If one gives an answer before he hears,
it is his folly and shame.” (Proverbs
18:13, ESV)
Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think what they will, then to
open it and prove stupidity.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
1. To Purify and Strengthen the Faith of
The faith of God given to believers is Pure.
Robert's answer as to why God delays a
long time between verdict and sentencing
On Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:48:19 -0700
Post by Christ Rose
Why the long time between verdict and sentencing when God is supposed
to be the judge?
I don’t know the answer to that.
And that was correct at that time.
God revealed the answer to me soon after that. No AI needed nor wanted.
Post by Christ Rose
Suddenly knows everything about it, and
is here to offer correction.
Three strikes. You're out. Go poison
someone else's thread.
So I learned of God and kept my ears open to his word, eyes also.
You would seek to discount the will and power of God and ridicule His people,
that is on you.
Post by Christ Rose
Post by Christ Rose
In the story of Job, God permitted Satan
to test him. Satan sought to destroy
Job’s faith, but God used the trial for
a greater purpose: to refine and
strengthen Job’s righteousness. Though
Satan’s intentions were evil, God’s
ultimate purpose was to prove that Job’s
faith was genuine and to deepen his
reliance on God.
Job described the pit of hell.
Post by Christ Rose
"And the Lord said to Satan, 'Behold,
all that he has is in your hand. Only
against him do not stretch out your
hand.' So Satan went out from the
presence of the Lord" (Job 1:12, ESV).
Job had faith in God, no matter how badly he was beaten down. Which is what
satan wanted to prove God wrong. That God used those circumstances to the
good of Job, is what he does for all Believers who depend upon him.
Post by Christ Rose
This delay in judgment against Satan
highlights that God uses even the
schemes of evil forces to purify the
faith of His people. Job’s experience
became a testimony to the endurance of
faith in suffering and to God’s ability
to bring about good from evil.
Jobs faith continued and was drawn upon in the great times he had, before the
tests of Satan. That is why he had all that he had before the attack.
Something that satan complained about to God.
Post by Christ Rose
2. To Execute Justice on the Wicked
Satan and his angels are in the holding pen, the pit of hell, as are all men
who died without God in their lives.
Jud 1:6 speaks of the great day of judgment.
Post by Christ Rose
In the case of Ahab, God permitted lying
spirits to deceive him, which ultimately
led to his downfall. Ahab had
persistently rejected God’s commands and
embraced falsehood, and the lying
spirits were part of God's judgment
against him.
"Now therefore behold, the Lord has put
a lying spirit in the mouth of all these
your prophets; the Lord has declared
disaster for you" (1 Kings 22:23, ESV).
"And now, behold, the Lord has put a false spirit in the mouth of all these
thy prophets, and the Lord has spoken evil against thee.”
*put* - Give: [A generic verb with a wide application meaning to give] [freq.
2008] (vf: Paal, Niphal, Hophal) |kjv: give, put, deliver, made, set, up,
lay, grant, suffer, yield, bring, cause, utter, send, recompense, appoint,
show| {H5414} “suffer” to allow.
Jhn 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I
have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Jhn 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have
love one to another.