<1397> Duke is dead ...
Add Reply
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-15 02:42:15 UTC
<1397> 12/14/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-15 02:45:11 UTC
<1397> 12/14/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-16 03:21:39 UTC
<1397> 12/15/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-17 02:00:16 UTC
<1397> 12/16/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
spamming/forging jew wannabe nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka SHEIN
2023-12-17 01:14:41 UTC
Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Pope Needs to 'Listen Not Lecture,' Says British Think-Tank during Pope's Visit to London (368)


"The pontiff has misjudged his wider audience by pandering to exaggerated fears of
antagonism to religion, rather than building bridges of understanding and cooperation
between the peacemaking and justice-loving heart of Christianity and those of other
or no faith committed to doing good in a plural society," said Ekklesia's Simon
Barrow in a statement sent to the ASSIST News Service.
2023-12-17 01:36:32 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
<1397> 12/16/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...
Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.
Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Saima May Sidik
Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.
The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library
Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the
What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.
“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”
Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was
Troubled hearts
People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.
The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.
“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine
COVID’s cardiac connection
Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.
Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”
Nature 602, 560 (2022)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0
Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).
The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.
These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...
"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical
This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.
Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us
..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,
HeartDoc Andrew <><
so it is very important for everyone to eat
The Doctor
2023-12-17 13:17:38 UTC
Post by %
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
<1397> 12/16/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...
Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.
Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Saima May Sidik
Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.
The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library
Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the
What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.
“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”
Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was
Troubled hearts
People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.
The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.
“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine
COVID’s cardiac connection
Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.
Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”
Nature 602, 560 (2022)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0
Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).
The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.
These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...
"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical
This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.
Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us
..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,
HeartDoc Andrew <><
so it is very important for everyone to eat
Go % !!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New year 2024 Beware https://mindspring.com
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-17 16:55:54 UTC
<1397> 12/17/23 Again praying for TD here ...


Note: TD (aka http://tinyurl.com/PerishingSpamTroll) reacting
adversely to prayer (vainly trying to rebuke someone who is omnipotent
per Philippians 4:13 in the Holy Spirit) is not unlike how Saul
reacted to Stephen's prayer. Just as Saul, a teacher of Israel like
Nicodemus, needed GOD to change his heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20 & 36:26)
to become Apostle Paul on the "road to Damascus," so too TD needs GOD
more than he needs further Bible study.


Otoh, we can (and should rebuke) satan because he is cursed (Genesis
3:14) by GOD to be terribly **not** hungry and enters into the hearts
of others causing them to also be terribly **not** hungry (e.g. Judas
the traitor Iscariot leaving the "Last Supper" with a dipped piece of
bread and not eating it). Only those of us who are always
writing/saying that we're http://WonderfullyHungry.org are those who
always have on the "full armor of GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) to "stand firm
against satan" entering into our hearts (Matt 15:19).
The Doctor
2023-12-18 00:42:55 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
<1397> 12/17/23 Again praying for TD here ...
13 (2Co 12:9-10; Eph 3:16) I can do all things because of Christ
who strengthens me.
[13] I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
13 in the Holy Spirit) is not unlike how Saul reacted to Stephen's prayer.=
Ezekiel 11:19-20

19 (Eze 18:31; Zec 7:12) I will give them one heart, and I will put
a new spirit within them. And I will take the stony heart out of their flesh,
and give them a heart of flesh,
20 (Ps 105:45; Eze 14:11) that they may walk in My statutes,
and keep My ordinances, and do them. And they shall be My people,
and I will be their God.

[19] And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you;
and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an
heart of flesh:
[20] That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do
them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.

Ezekiel 36:26

26 (Ps 51:10; Eze 11:19-20) Also, I will give you a new heart,
and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will take away the stony heart
out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.

[26] A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within
you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give
you an heart of flesh.
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Just as Saul needed GOD to change his heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20 & 36:26) to =
The Stoning of Stephen

54 (Ac 5:33; Job 16:9) When they heard these things,
they were cut to the heart,
and they gnashed their teeth at him.
55 (Mk 16:19; Jn 12:41) But being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed into
heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,
56 (Mt 3:16) and said, "Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man
standing at the right hand of God."
57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, closed their ears,
and rushed at him in unison.
58 (Ac 22:20; Lk 4:29; Ac 8:1) And they threw him out of the city
and stoned him. The witnesses laid down their garments at the feet
of a young man named Saul.
59 (Ps 31:5; Lk 23:46) They stoned Stephen as he was calling on God,
praying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
60 (Mt 5:44; Lk 22:41) Then he knelt down and cried with a loud voice,
"Lord, do not hold this sin against them."
Having said this, he fell asleep.

[54] When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they
gnashed on him with their teeth.
[55] But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven,
and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
[56] And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing
on the right hand of God.
[57] Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran
upon him with one accord,
[58] And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid
down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.
[59] And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus,
receive my spirit.
[60] And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this
sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Acts 8
[1] And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a
great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were
all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except
the apostles.

Acts 8

1 (Ac 7:58; 5:33)And Saul was consenting to his death.

Saul Persecutes the Church

On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem.
And they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria,
except the apostles.
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
become Apostle Paul on the "road to Damascus," so too TD needs GOD more tha=
n he needs further Bible study.
Otoh, we can (and should rebuke) satan because he is cursed (Genesis 3:14) =
by GOD to be terribly **not** hungry and enters into the hearts of others c=
ausing them to also be terribly **not** hungry (e.g. Judas the traitor Isca=
riot leaving the "Last Supper" with a dipped piece of bread and not eating =
it). Only those of us who are always writing/saying that we're http://Wonde=
rfullyHungry.org are those who always have on the "full armor of GOD" (Ephe=
sians 6:11) to "stand firm against satan" entering into our hearts (Matt 15=
And HEre are verses that describe Andrew Ben-Hua Chung

Luke 18:11-12

11 (Mt 6:5; Mk 11:25) The Pharisee stood and prayed these things
about himself, 'God, I thank You that I am not like other men:
extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
12 (Lk 11:42; Mt 9:14; Mal 3:8) I fast twice a week, and I tithe
of all that I earn.'

[11] The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee,
that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as
this publican.
[12] I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

Sounds like Pharisee Andrew Ben-hua Chung to me.

And a warning from JEsus

Luke 6:43-45

A Tree and Its Fruit
Mt 7:17-20

43 "A good tree does not bear corrupt fruit, nor does a corrupt tree
bear good fruit.
44 (Mt 12:33) Each tree is known by its own fruit. Men do not gather figs
from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a wild bush.
45 (Eph 4:29) A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bears
what is good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bears
what is evil. For of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

[43] For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
[44] For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not
gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
[45] A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that
which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart
bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his
mouth speaketh.

Matthew 7:21-29

I Never Knew You
Lk 13:25-27

21 (Mt 25:11-12; Lk 6:46) "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall
enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father
who is in heaven.
22 (Nu 24:4; Mal 3:17-18) Many will say to Me on that day,
'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonderful works in Your name?'
23 (Ps 6:8; Mt 25:41) But then I will declare to them,
'I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who practice evil.'Ps 6:8.

The Two Housebuilders

Lk 6:47-49

24 (Lk 6:47-49) "Whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them,
I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock.
25 And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew
and beat on that house. And it did not fall, for it was founded a rock.
26 And every one who hears these sayings of Mine and does not do them
will be likened to a foolish man who built his house on the sand.
27 And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew
and beat on that house. And it fell. And its fall was great."
28 (Mk 1:22; 6:2) When Jesus finished these sayings,
the people were astonished at His teaching,
29 for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in
[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in
thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works?
[23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye
that work iniquity.
[24] Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I
will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
[25] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
[26] And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not,
shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
[27] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
[28] And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people
were astonished at his doctrine:
[29] For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

This Diabolic Satanic abusive spamtroll came from

alt.christnet.christianlife #1366648 (18 more)
Path: news.nk.ca!weretis.net!feeder8.news.weretis.net!eternal-september.org!
+ feeder3.eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!.POSTED!not-
+ for-mail
From: HeartDoc Andrew <***@T3WiJ.com>
Newsgroups: alt.bible.prophecy,alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,soc.
+ culture.jewish,soc.culture.israel
Subject: <1397> Expertly: Praying for The Doctor's (aka TD's) perishing soul
+ in this thread ...
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2023 11:55:54 -0500
Organization: http://WDJW.net
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@4ax.com>
+ <***@4ax.com>
+ <***@4ax.com>
+ <***@4ax.com>
+ <***@4ax.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Injection-Info: dont-email.me; posting-
+ host="d7b8ab6d48cd312ce466e9bde2634728";
+ logging-data="3183100"; mail-complaints-to="***@eternal-
+ september.org"; posting-
+ account="U2FsdGVkX1+MGJ74X1RdtLpj4cM2CEEO"
Cancel-Lock: sha1:TQNygZEv/ih1xICw8CZi1B23DIk=
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 5.00/32.1171
Xref: news.nk.ca alt.bible.prophecy:855205 alt.christnet.
+ christianlife:1366648 alt.atheism:5168696 soc.culture.jewish:1602518
+ soc.culture.israel:2172802

Spamtrollers are trolls posting useless spam thinking it is content
but are posting useless noise. Spamtrolls are newsgroup vandals!
Thoses trolls are as bad as Donald Trump on Twitter.

This makes

Depeer Google groups Now!!

Spamtroller Andrew Ben-Hua Chung,
thou art rebuked in the Name of Yahweh the Father,
Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit for Jesus has all authority here
and Satan has no authority here!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New year 2024 Beware https://mindspring.com
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-18 01:03:50 UTC
<1397> 12/17/23 AgainX2 praying for TD here ...


Note: TD (aka http://tinyurl.com/PerishingSpamTroll) reacting
adversely to prayer (vainly trying to rebuke someone who is omnipotent
per Philippians 4:13 in the Holy Spirit) is not unlike how Saul
reacted to Stephen's prayer. Just as Saul, a teacher of Israel like
Nicodemus, needed GOD to change his heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20 & 36:26)
to become Apostle Paul on the "road to Damascus," so too TD needs GOD
more than he needs further Bible study.


Otoh, we can (and should rebuke) satan because he is cursed (Genesis
3:14) by GOD to be terribly **not** hungry and enters into the hearts
of others causing them to also be terribly **not** hungry (e.g. Judas
the traitor Iscariot leaving the "Last Supper" with a dipped piece of
bread and not eating it). Only those of us who are always
writing/saying that we're http://WonderfullyHungry.org are those who
always have on the "full armor of GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) to "stand firm
against satan" entering into our hearts (Matt 15:19).
2023-12-18 01:07:32 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
<1397> 12/17/23 AgainX2 praying for TD here ...
Note: TD (aka http://tinyurl.com/PerishingSpamTroll) reacting
adversely to prayer (vainly trying to rebuke someone who is omnipotent
per Philippians 4:13 in the Holy Spirit) is not unlike how Saul
reacted to Stephen's prayer. Just as Saul, a teacher of Israel like
Nicodemus, needed GOD to change his heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20 & 36:26)
to become Apostle Paul on the "road to Damascus," so too TD needs GOD
more than he needs further Bible study.
Otoh, we can (and should rebuke) satan because he is cursed (Genesis
3:14) by GOD to be terribly **not** hungry and enters into the hearts
of others causing them to also be terribly **not** hungry (e.g. Judas
the traitor Iscariot leaving the "Last Supper" with a dipped piece of
bread and not eating it). Only those of us who are always
writing/saying that we're http://WonderfullyHungry.org are those who
always have on the "full armor of GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) to "stand firm
against satan" entering into our hearts (Matt 15:19).
i had corn and porkchops and potatoes for supper ,
i ate until my tummy was stretched tight ,
everybody should gorge in glorious food
The Doctor
2023-12-18 02:55:12 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
<1397> 12/17/23 AgainX2 praying for TD here ...
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Note: TD (aka http://tinyurl.com/PerishingSpamTroll) reacting
adversely to prayer (vainly trying to rebuke someone who is omnipotent
per Philippians 4:13 in the Holy Spirit) is not unlike how Saul
reacted to Stephen's prayer. Just as Saul, a teacher of Israel like
Nicodemus, needed GOD to change his heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20 & 36:26)
to become Apostle Paul on the "road to Damascus," so too TD needs GOD
more than he needs further Bible study.
Otoh, we can (and should rebuke) satan because he is cursed (Genesis
3:14) by GOD to be terribly **not** hungry and enters into the hearts
of others causing them to also be terribly **not** hungry (e.g. Judas
the traitor Iscariot leaving the "Last Supper" with a dipped piece of
bread and not eating it). Only those of us who are always
writing/saying that we're http://WonderfullyHungry.org are those who
always have on the "full armor of GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) to "stand firm
against satan" entering into our hearts (Matt 15:19).
i had corn and porkchops and potatoes for supper ,
i ate until my tummy was stretched tight ,
everybody should gorge in glorious food
go % !!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New year 2024 Beware https://mindspring.com
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-18 05:19:14 UTC
<1397> 12/17/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-19 02:15:58 UTC
<1397> 12/18/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-20 03:26:37 UTC
<1397> 12/19/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartMDPhD Andrew
2023-12-21 04:22:57 UTC
<1397> 12/20/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-22 02:55:32 UTC
<1397> 12/21/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-23 02:25:26 UTC
<1397> 12/22/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-24 01:34:31 UTC
<1397> 12/23/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-25 04:05:54 UTC
<1397> 12/24/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-26 00:48:41 UTC
<1397> 12/25/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-27 02:57:29 UTC
<1397> 12/26/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-28 02:55:36 UTC
<1397> 12/27/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-29 02:24:47 UTC
<1397> 12/28/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-30 01:05:24 UTC
<1397> 12/29/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-31 00:09:56 UTC
<1397> 12/30/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-01 02:38:46 UTC
<1397> 12/31/23 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-02 00:59:23 UTC
<1397> 01/01/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-03 01:27:51 UTC
<1397> 01/02/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-04 00:36:19 UTC
<1397> 01/03/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-05 01:33:30 UTC
<1397> 01/04/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-06 02:59:49 UTC
<1397> 01/05/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-07 00:53:14 UTC
<1397> 01/06/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-08 01:47:39 UTC
<1397> 01/07/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-09 03:15:28 UTC
<1397> 01/08/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-10 01:10:16 UTC
<1397> 01/09/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-11 02:08:06 UTC
<1397> 01/10/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-12 01:30:51 UTC
<1397> 01/11/24 Again, surge in sudden deaths due to long-COVID ...

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID -- even with a mild case.


Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of
cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a
SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Saima May Sidik

Coloured frontal chest X-ray superimposed with a coloured 3D CT scan
of the heart and its blood vessels in a healthy adult.

The risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels is high for at
least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.Credit: Living Art
Enterprises/Science Photo Library

Even a mild case of COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of
cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis, a new
study1 shows. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as
heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had
recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the

What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65
years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

“It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you
smoked, or you didn’t,” says study co-author Ziyad Al-Aly at
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the chief of
research and development for the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis
Health Care System. “The risk was there.”

Al-Aly and his colleagues based their research on an extensive
health-record database curated by the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs. The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans
who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two
groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people
who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly
sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was

Troubled hearts

People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20
cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. For example,
they were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary
control group, meaning that, out of every 1,000 people studied, there
were around 4 more people in the COVID-19 group than in the control
group who experienced stroke.

The risk of heart failure increased by 72%, or around 12 more people
in the COVID-19 group per 1,000 studied. Hospitalization increased the
likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who
avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.

“I am actually surprised by these findings that cardiovascular
complications of COVID can last so long,” Hossein Ardehali, a
cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, wrote in
an e-mail to Nature. Because severe disease increased the risk of
complications much more than mild disease, Ardehali wrote, “it is
important that those who are not vaccinated get their vaccine

COVID’s cardiac connection

Ardehali cautions that the study’s observational nature comes with
some limitations. For example, people in the contemporary control
group weren’t tested for COVID-19, so it’s possible that some of them
actually had mild infections. And because the authors considered only
VA patients — a group that’s predominantly white and male — their
results might not translate to all populations.

Ardehali and Al-Aly agree that health-care providers around the world
should be prepared to address an increase in cardiovascular
conditions. But with high COVID-19 case counts still straining medical
resources, Al-Aly worries that health authorities will delay preparing
for the pandemic’s aftermath for too long. “We collectively dropped
the ball on COVID,” he said. “And I feel we’re about to drop the ball
on long COVID.”

Nature 602, 560 (2022)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00403-0


Xie, Y., Xu, E., Bowe, B. & Al-Aly, Z. Nature Med.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3 (2022).


The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
the US & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19
) finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
asymptomatic) in order to http://WDJW.great-site.net/ConvinceItForward
(John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per
their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping
for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha
lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon,
Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like
http://tinyurl.com/Deltamicron that may render current COVID
vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

Link to the above content:

A shorter more shareable link:

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

These "good works" (Ephesians 2:10) is what LORD Jesus means by His
parable of the http://tinyurl.com/SamaritanDoctor (Luke 10:25-37):

So let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) each other as our
LORD truly loves (John 15:13) us ...

"For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical


How to be a doer instead of sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart so
that we can (Philippians 4:13) fly up to meet the LORD in the air when
He returns to rescue us

..because we mindfully choose to openly care (Mt5:47) w/our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-15 02:46:11 UTC
<1397> 12/14/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-16 03:21:59 UTC
<1397> 12/15/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-17 02:00:51 UTC
<1397> 12/16/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-18 05:19:31 UTC
<1397> 12/17/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-19 02:16:19 UTC
<1397> 12/18/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-20 03:26:55 UTC
<1397> 12/19/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartMDPhD Andrew
2023-12-21 04:23:15 UTC
<1397> 12/20/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-22 02:55:47 UTC
<1397> 12/21/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-23 02:25:41 UTC
<1397> 12/22/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-24 01:34:48 UTC
<1397> 12/23/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-25 04:06:16 UTC
<1397> 12/24/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-26 00:48:59 UTC
<1397> 12/25/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-27 02:57:45 UTC
<1397> 12/26/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-28 02:55:55 UTC
<1397> 12/27/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-29 02:25:25 UTC
<1397> 12/28/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-30 01:05:39 UTC
<1397> 12/29/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-31 00:10:16 UTC
<1397> 12/30/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-01 02:39:05 UTC
<1397> 12/31/23 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-02 01:00:01 UTC
<1397> 01/01/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-03 01:28:06 UTC
<1397> 01/02/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-04 00:36:32 UTC
<1397> 01/03/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-05 01:33:44 UTC
<1397> 01/04/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-06 03:00:06 UTC
<1397> 01/05/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-07 00:53:29 UTC
<1397> 01/06/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-08 01:47:56 UTC
<1397> 01/07/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-09 03:15:49 UTC
<1397> 01/08/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-10 01:10:35 UTC
<1397> 01/09/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-11 02:08:25 UTC
<1397> 01/10/24 Again, here's the Zombie Apocalypse ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-16 03:21:16 UTC
<1397> 12/15/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
2023-12-16 02:35:55 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
<1397> 12/15/23 Again, Duke is dead ...
... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.
"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)
So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.
This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.
Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart
...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,
HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
everybody eat food then you can't sin
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-16 02:38:35 UTC
<1397> 12/15/23 Again praying for % here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-17 01:44:52 UTC
<1397> 12/16/23 Again praying for % here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-18 01:12:50 UTC
<1397> 12/17/23 Again praying for % here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-17 01:59:57 UTC
<1397> 12/16/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron
2023-12-17 01:14:09 UTC
Deranged PAEDO PRIESTS! Catholic Priest Among two Arrested in London Care Home Child Abuse Case (368)


"The London child sex abuse case has led to the detention of Reverend Tony McSweeney in Norfolk"

HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-17 01:20:58 UTC
<1397> 12/16/23 spam/KK tragically vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6) ...


Link to post explicating vainjangling by the eternally condemned:

"Like a moth to flame, the eternally condemned tragically return to be
ever more cursed by GOD."

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement at the continued fulfillment
of this prophecy as clearly demonstrated within the following USENET

(1) Link to thread titled "LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our #1
Example of being wonderfully hungry;"


(2) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry;"


(3) Link to thread titled "A very very very simple definition of sin;"


(4) Link to thread titled "The LORD says 'Blessed are you who hunger


(5) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry like LORD Jesus;"


... for the continued benefit (Romans 8:28) of those of us who are
http://WonderfullyHungry.org like GOD ( http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) with
all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to the LORD.


Laus DEO !

While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Bottom line:

<begin trichotomy>

(1) Born-again (John 3:3 & 5) humans - Folks who have GOD's Help (i.e.
Holy Spirit) to stop (John 5:14) sinning by being
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) **but** are still
able to choose via their own "free will" to be instead
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) trapped in the
entangling (Hebrews 12:1) deadly (i.e. killed immortals Adam&Eve) sin
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2).

(2) Eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) humans - Folks who will never have
GOD's Help (i.e. Holy Spirit) to stop being
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) as evident by their
constant vainjangling (1 Timothy 1:6) about everything except how to
stop (John 5:14) sinning.

(3) Perishing humans - The remaining folks who may possibly (Matthew
19:26) become born-again (John 3:3 & 5) as new (2 Corinthians 5:17)
creatures in Christ.

<end trichotomy>

Suggested further reading:

Subject: The LORD says "Blessed are you who hunger now ..."
Shame on andrew, look at his red face.

The color of my face in **not** visible here on USENET nor is the
color of my face red for those who can see me.
'14 Bible verses about Spiritual Hunger'
Such are the lies coming from the lying pens of the
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) commentators.

That which is "spiritual" is independent of time so that there
would've been no reference to "now."

Therefore, the LORD is referring to physical hunger here instead of
the spiritual "hunger and thirst for righteousness" elsewhere in

Indeed, physical hunger can **not** coexist with physical thirst
because the latter results in the loss of saliva needed for physical

It is when we hunger for food "now" (Luke 6:21a) that we are able to
eat food "now."

No such time constraints exist for "spiritual hunger."

Moreover, the perspective of Luke 6:21a through the eyes of a
physician (i.e. Dr. Luke) would be logically expected to be physical
instead of spiritual.

All glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly demonstrate your ever worsening cognitive condition
which is tragically a consequence of His cursing (Jeremiah 17:5) you
more than ever.

Laus DEO !


someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
(in a vain attempt to refute posts about being wonderfully hungry)
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Indeed, receiving a mouthful (Psalm 81:10) of manna from GOD will only
make His http://WDJW.great-site.net/Redeemed want even more, so that
we're even http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungrier with all glory (
http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD.

Laus DEO !
13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of
the wicked is in need.
Indeed, the righteous know to be satisfied (Luke 6:21a) with an omer
(Exodus 16:16) of manna, while the wicked need (Proverbs 13:25) this
knowledge as evident by their eating until they are full (i.e.
2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of
the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed.
Indeed, an omer (32 ounces per Revelation 6:6) of manna is plenty
(Joel 2:26) with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD and to
the shame of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned.

Laus DEO ! !
107 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Indeed, being filled (Psalm 107:9) with an omer (Exodus 16:16) of
manna is a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) thing while being satiated (i.e.
full) is evil.
14:17 "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by
giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying
your hearts with food and gladness."
In the interim, you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, will
never be satisfied (Acts 14:17) because you are ever more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


Subject: a very very very simple definition of sin ...
Actually, sin is **not** defined in 1 John 1:8-10
John wrote this to christians. The greek grammer (sic) speaks of an ongoing
status. He includes himself in that status.
John was a Jew instead of a Greek so there is really no reason to
think that Greek grammar is relevant here.
1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us.
1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
John also wrote earlier at John 5:14 that LORD Jesus commands:

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14)

And, indeed, your being eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) & ever more
cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD, as evident by your ever worsening
cognitive deficits, is really worse.

Now again, here's how to really stop sinning as LORD Jesus commands
(John 5:14):


While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike down http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-18 05:18:55 UTC
<1397> 12/17/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-19 02:15:35 UTC
<1397> 12/18/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-20 03:26:14 UTC
<1397> 12/19/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartMDPhD Andrew
2023-12-21 04:22:37 UTC
<1397> 12/20/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-22 02:55:01 UTC
<1397> 12/21/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-23 02:25:08 UTC
<1397> 12/22/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-24 01:34:13 UTC
<1397> 12/23/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-25 04:05:33 UTC
<1397> 12/24/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-26 00:48:24 UTC
<1397> 12/25/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-27 02:57:10 UTC
<1397> 12/26/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-28 02:55:18 UTC
<1397> 12/27/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-29 02:24:24 UTC
<1397> 12/28/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-30 01:05:07 UTC
<1397> 12/29/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2023-12-31 00:09:20 UTC
<1397> 12/30/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-01 02:38:28 UTC
<1397> 12/31/23 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-02 00:58:59 UTC
<1397> 01/01/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-03 01:27:33 UTC
<1397> 01/02/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-04 00:36:03 UTC
<1397> 01/03/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-05 01:33:12 UTC
<1397> 01/04/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-06 02:59:29 UTC
<1397> 01/05/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-07 00:52:57 UTC
<1397> 01/06/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-08 01:47:18 UTC
<1397> 01/07/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-09 03:15:06 UTC
<1397> 01/08/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-10 01:09:44 UTC
<1397> 01/09/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-11 02:07:46 UTC
<1397> 01/10/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-01-12 01:30:30 UTC
<1397> 01/11/24 Again, Duke is dead ...

... and you might die too if you don't stop sinning.

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." -- Holy
Spirit (referring to John 5:14)


Suggested further reading about Duke:

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/h_angry (Genesis 25:32)
http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Instead, let's http://tinyurl.com/TrulyLove (John 15:12) others as
our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.

This is **not** what http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew wants but rather
what LORD Jesus wants:


BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
present tense **and** all-inclusive.

For example:


Therefore, http://tinyurl.com/BeHungrier , which really is wonderfully
healthier especially for diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis