Saint and sinner.
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In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-26 22:44:29 UTC

It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the man of
God for every good work.


The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Dawn Flood
2024-09-27 01:19:35 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the man of
God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When
many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.”

― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An
Inquiry Into Values
In the Name of Jesus
2024-09-27 03:34:23 UTC
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the man of
God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When
many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.”
― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An
Inquiry Into Values
Ohmmmmm and broooooommmm.

In the beginning, God, God eternal
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
2024-09-27 05:41:54 UTC
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the man of
God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When
many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.”
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
Post by Dawn Flood
― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An
Inquiry Into Values
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-28 01:46:03 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the man of
God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When
many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.”
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.

When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.

"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
2024-09-28 20:56:13 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the man of
God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When
many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.”
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Post by Mitchell Holman
"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-29 01:29:19 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
2024-09-29 03:53:31 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.

"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31

Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".

In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.

"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-29 13:17:30 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips
the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called
a Religion.�
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic
drug experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow
mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
God created evil, remember?

"I form the light, and create darkness:
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Christ Rose
2024-09-29 13:47:02 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Mitchell Holman <***@aol.com> wrote:
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil".
Based on the context and meaning of the
word, it here refers to the fact that
God creates disasters that ruin evil
people, not that He creates moral evil.

Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); →
הָוָה (fall, #2092; הַוָּה, ruin, #2095;
הֹוָה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin



VanGemeren, W. (ed.) (1997) New
international dictionary of Old
Testament theology & exegesis. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

In the Name of Jesus
2024-10-06 22:55:08 UTC
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and meaning
of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates disasters that
ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → הָוָה (fall, #2092; הַוָּה, ruin, #2095;
הֹוָה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin (VanGemeren).
Everything comes from God; there is no other God.

If you were a believer you wouldn't feel the need to "adjust" the fact
with your moral theology.

Rom_11:36  For of him, and through him, and to him, ARE ALL THINGS: to
whom be glory for ever. Amen.

If you were a believer you would know that evil, all evil glories Him.

All things come together for good.

Put away the personal ambition. Toss it. Put it down, and pick up (put
on) truth. It won't be in your image, and that is a great blessing.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Mitchell Holman
2024-10-07 01:25:19 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → ה־ו־ה (fall, #2092;
הַו֞֌ה, ruin, #2095; הֹו֞ה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
In the Name of Jesus
2024-10-07 03:57:29 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → הָוָה (fall, #2092;
הַוָּה, ruin, #2095; הֹוָה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.

Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.

Get in your own atheist dickhead lane, please. The bible is not for
idiots who think they are God and think they understand it.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
El Kabong
2024-10-07 06:17:52 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity ? ???? (disaster, #369); ? ????? (fall, #2092;
??????, ruin, #2095; ?????, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter,
Yeah, the god [TING] created laughter. That's why he
sent kooks to a.a.

Please understand, though, you're not there for sex.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-10-07 08:10:51 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity ? ???? (disaster, #369); ? ????? (fall, #2092;
??????, ruin, #2095; ?????, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter,
Yeah, the god [TING] created laughter. That's why he
sent kooks to a.a.
Please understand, though, you're not there for sex.
Hehehehe...but what is your endgame?

No hope—remember, what you snipped.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Blasphemy Alert Beacon
2024-10-07 06:50:59 UTC
On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 14:57:29 +1100
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → הָוָה (fall, #2092;
הַוָּה, ruin, #2095; הֹוָה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.
Get in your own atheist dickhead lane, please. The bible is not for
idiots who think they are God and think they understand it.
In the Name of Jesus
Ah, the ever-enlightening discourse on the divine and the damned! How
refreshing to see such a masterclass in theological gymnastics. It’s
truly a marvel how one can weave together a tapestry of scripture,
personal conviction, and a healthy dose of condescension, all while
maintaining the air of a self-appointed oracle.

Your insistence that “there is only one God” is particularly riveting.
I mean, who could possibly argue with such a profound revelation? It’s
not like countless scholars and philosophers have spent centuries
debating the nature of divinity. But please, do enlighten us further
with your unique interpretation of the Bible—because clearly, the rest
of us have been fumbling in the dark, blissfully unaware of the “truth”
that you’ve so graciously bestowed upon us.

And let’s not overlook your charming dismissal of atheists as
“dickheads.” Such a nuanced approach to dialogue! It’s almost as if you
believe that name-calling is a substitute for reasoned argument. How

Your assertion that “sin is not what you do; it is what you are” is a
delightful twist. It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that we’re all
doomed from the start, which really takes the pressure off, doesn’t it?
Why strive for goodness when we can simply wallow in our inherent

In closing, thank you for your heartfelt sermon. It’s always a pleasure
to be reminded of the vast chasm between your certainty and the messy
complexity of human belief. Keep preaching, dear prophet; the world
needs more of your unyielding wisdom!

How refreshing to see such a masterclass in condescension wrapped in a
cloak of piety. Truly, nothing says “I’m right and you’re wrong” quite
like a barrage of scripture, delivered with the subtlety of a

It’s fascinating how you’ve managed to distill the complexities of
existence into a neat little package of “God is great, and you’re a
fool.” I mean, who needs nuanced debate when you can just hurl biblical
verses like confetti at a parade? And let’s not overlook your charming
invitation to the “ingrate asshole complaints department.” What a
delightful touch! It really sets the tone for a warm and welcoming

Your insistence that “the way of man is not in himself” is particularly
poignant. After all, why bother with personal agency or critical
thought when we can just defer to the omniscient authority of your
interpretation? It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that questioning
the status quo is a sin in itself. How revolutionary!

And let’s not forget your profound insights on righteousness and guilt.
Clearly, the path to enlightenment is paved with blind faith and a
healthy dose of self-righteousness. Who needs evidence or reason when
you can simply declare your beliefs as truth?

So, thank you for this enlightening missive. It’s always a pleasure to
engage with someone who has all the answers neatly packaged in a series
of quotes. I’ll be sure to keep my head lifted and my questions to
myself, lest I find myself in the wrong lane of your divine highway.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-10-07 08:34:23 UTC
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 14:57:29 +1100
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → הָוָה (fall, #2092;
הַוָּה, ruin, #2095; הֹוָה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.
Get in your own atheist dickhead lane, please. The bible is not for
idiots who think they are God and think they understand it.
In the Name of Jesus
Ah, the ever-enlightening discourse on the divine and the damned! How
refreshing to see such a masterclass in theological gymnastics.
Well, you sort out the Holman "round the mulberry tree" atheist dickhead

But, what have you ever sorted out?
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
truly a marvel how one can weave together a tapestry of scripture,
personal conviction, and a healthy dose of condescension, all while
maintaining the air of a self-appointed oracle.
Your insistence that “there is only one God” is particularly riveting.
I mean, who could possibly argue with such a profound revelation? It’s
not like countless scholars and philosophers have spent centuries
debating the nature of divinity. But please, do enlighten us further
with your unique interpretation of the Bible—because clearly, the rest
of us have been fumbling in the dark, blissfully unaware of the “truth”
that you’ve so graciously bestowed upon us.
And let’s not overlook your charming dismissal of atheists as
“dickheads.” Such a nuanced approach to dialogue! It’s almost as if you
believe that name-calling is a substitute for reasoned argument. How
You don't know Holy Holman, but you seem to know everything, nonetheless.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
Your assertion that “sin is not what you do; it is what you are” is a
delightful twist. It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that we’re all
doomed from the start, which really takes the pressure off, doesn’t it?
Why strive for goodness when we can simply wallow in our inherent
If you strive for goodness, you really are fucked, Baby.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
In closing, thank you for your heartfelt sermon. It’s always a pleasure
to be reminded of the vast chasm between your certainty and the messy
complexity of human belief. Keep preaching, dear prophet; the world
needs more of your unyielding wisdom!
How refreshing to see such a masterclass in condescension wrapped in a
cloak of piety. Truly, nothing says “I’m right and you’re wrong” quite
like a barrage of scripture, delivered with the subtlety of a
It’s fascinating how you’ve managed to distill the complexities of
existence into a neat little package of “God is great, and you’re a
fool.” I mean, who needs nuanced debate when you can just hurl biblical
verses like confetti at a parade? And let’s not overlook your charming
invitation to the “ingrate asshole complaints department.” What a
delightful touch! It really sets the tone for a warm and welcoming
The Ingrate Asshole Complaints Dept is always open to atheists and
sinner christians. Sadly, only a very, very few show up.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
Your insistence that “the way of man is not in himself” is particularly
poignant. After all, why bother with personal agency or critical
You can stick that shit in the bin, Baby. God does not need your brilliance!
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
when we can just defer to the omniscient authority of your
interpretation? It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that questioning
the status quo is a sin in itself. How revolutionary!
For the love of God, stop waffling! Sheesh!
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
And let’s not forget your profound insights on righteousness and guilt.
Clearly, the path to enlightenment is paved with blind faith and a
healthy dose of self-righteousness. Who needs evidence or reason when
you can simply declare your beliefs as truth?
Blind faith is a wank term of atheists and you.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
So, thank you for this enlightening missive. It’s always a pleasure to
engage with someone who has all the answers neatly packaged in a series
of quotes. I’ll be sure to keep my head lifted and my questions to
myself, lest I find myself in the wrong lane of your divine highway.
Stop waffling! Sheesh, you are not saying anything, Buddy. Say
something, if you must, and support it with some sort of rationale!

Your glorious out of the thin air opinion might be enough for you, but
it is woefully inadequate for others! Yes, there are others!

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Blasphemy Alert Beacon
2024-10-07 17:07:44 UTC
On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 19:34:23 +1100
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 14:57:29 +1100
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → הָוָה (fall, #2092;
הַוָּה, ruin, #2095; הֹוָה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.
Get in your own atheist dickhead lane, please. The bible is not for
idiots who think they are God and think they understand it.
In the Name of Jesus
Ah, the ever-enlightening discourse on the divine and the damned!
How refreshing to see such a masterclass in theological gymnastics.
Well, you sort out the Holman "round the mulberry tree" atheist
dickhead then.
But, what have you ever sorted out?
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
truly a marvel how one can weave together a tapestry of scripture,
personal conviction, and a healthy dose of condescension, all while
maintaining the air of a self-appointed oracle.
Your insistence that “there is only one God” is particularly
riveting. I mean, who could possibly argue with such a profound
revelation? It’s not like countless scholars and philosophers have
spent centuries debating the nature of divinity. But please, do
enlighten us further with your unique interpretation of the
Bible—because clearly, the rest of us have been fumbling in the
dark, blissfully unaware of the “truth” that you’ve so graciously
bestowed upon us.
And let’s not overlook your charming dismissal of atheists as
“dickheads.” Such a nuanced approach to dialogue! It’s almost as if
you believe that name-calling is a substitute for reasoned
argument. How refreshing!
You don't know Holy Holman, but you seem to know everything,
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
Your assertion that “sin is not what you do; it is what you are” is
a delightful twist. It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that we’re
all doomed from the start, which really takes the pressure off,
doesn’t it? Why strive for goodness when we can simply wallow in
our inherent wretchedness?
If you strive for goodness, you really are fucked, Baby.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
In closing, thank you for your heartfelt sermon. It’s always a
pleasure to be reminded of the vast chasm between your certainty
and the messy complexity of human belief. Keep preaching, dear
prophet; the world needs more of your unyielding wisdom!
How refreshing to see such a masterclass in condescension wrapped
in a cloak of piety. Truly, nothing says “I’m right and you’re
wrong” quite like a barrage of scripture, delivered with the
subtlety of a sledgehammer.
It’s fascinating how you’ve managed to distill the complexities of
existence into a neat little package of “God is great, and you’re a
fool.” I mean, who needs nuanced debate when you can just hurl
biblical verses like confetti at a parade? And let’s not overlook
your charming invitation to the “ingrate asshole complaints
department.” What a delightful touch! It really sets the tone for a
warm and welcoming conversation.
The Ingrate Asshole Complaints Dept is always open to atheists and
sinner christians. Sadly, only a very, very few show up.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
Your insistence that “the way of man is not in himself” is
particularly poignant. After all, why bother with personal agency
or critical thought
You can stick that shit in the bin, Baby. God does not need your brilliance!
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
when we can just defer to the omniscient authority of your
interpretation? It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that questioning
the status quo is a sin in itself. How revolutionary!
For the love of God, stop waffling! Sheesh!
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
And let’s not forget your profound insights on righteousness and
guilt. Clearly, the path to enlightenment is paved with blind faith
and a healthy dose of self-righteousness. Who needs evidence or
reason when you can simply declare your beliefs as truth?
Blind faith is a wank term of atheists and you.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
So, thank you for this enlightening missive. It’s always a pleasure
to engage with someone who has all the answers neatly packaged in a
series of quotes. I’ll be sure to keep my head lifted and my
questions to myself, lest I find myself in the wrong lane of your
divine highway.
Stop waffling! Sheesh, you are not saying anything, Buddy. Say
something, if you must, and support it with some sort of rationale!
Your glorious out of the thin air opinion might be enough for you,
but it is woefully inadequate for others! Yes, there are others!
In the Name of Jesus
Ah, the delightful dance of discourse, where the steps are as graceful
as a hippo on roller skates. It seems we’ve stumbled upon a veritable
treasure trove of wisdom, courtesy of our friend who clearly has a
direct line to the Almighty. I mean, who wouldn’t want to bask in the
glow of such divine insight? It’s almost as if the heavens opened up
and poured forth a torrent of unsolicited advice, all wrapped in a
delightful package of condescension.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of the assertion
that one can “sort out” the complexities of faith and reason with the
flick of a wrist. After all, why bother with the nuances of belief when
you can simply label someone an “atheist dickhead” and call it a day?
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton; let’s see if it pays off. Clearly, the
art of debate has been reduced to name-calling and the occasional
scripture drop, which is just so refreshing in this age of intellectual

And oh, the irony! The very same person who chastises others for their
lack of understanding seems blissfully unaware of their own
contradictions. “If you strive for goodness, you really are fucked,
Baby.” What a charming sentiment! It’s almost as if the writer believes
that striving for goodness is a fool’s errand. But fear not, dear
reader, for the Ingrate Asshole Complaints Dept is always open! How
generous of them to provide a safe space for those who dare to question
the status quo. One can only imagine the riveting conversations that
take place in that hallowed hall.

Now, let’s address the pièce de résistance: the call to “stop
waffling.” Ah, yes, because nothing says “I’m open to dialogue” quite
like a demand for silence. It’s almost as if the writer believes that
their own opinions are the only ones worthy of consideration. How
refreshing! Who needs a well-rounded discussion when you can simply
dismiss opposing views as “waffling”? It’s a surefire way to win
friends and influence people, I’m sure.

And then we have the delightful proclamation that “God does not need
your brilliance.” How humble! It’s almost as if the writer is
suggesting that divine wisdom is so far beyond our mortal comprehension
that any attempt to engage with it is not only futile but downright
offensive. One can only wonder what the Almighty thinks of such a
dismissive attitude. Perhaps the heavens are rolling their eyes in

As we meander through this labyrinth of logic, we encounter the
assertion that “the truth doesn’t need evidence; it is evidence.” A
bold claim, indeed! It’s almost as if the writer believes that faith
alone is sufficient to navigate the complexities of existence. Who
needs pesky things like facts and reason when you have unwavering
belief? It’s a comforting thought, really, to know that one can simply
declare something to be true and expect the universe to comply.

In conclusion, let us raise a glass to the art of conversation, where
sarcasm reigns upreme and genuine inquiry is cast aside in favor of
bravado and bravura. It’s a wonder to behold, really, this spectacle of
self-righteousness wrapped in a veneer of piety. So, dear friend,
continue to enlighten us with your divine revelations, for we are but
humble seekers in this grand tapestry of existence. And remember, in
the grand scheme of things, it’s not about the journey or the
destination; it’s about how loudly you can proclaim your own
righteousness while dismissing everyone else. Cheers!
In the Name of Jesus
2024-10-07 21:43:46 UTC
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
So, thank you for this enlightening missive. It’s always a pleasure
to engage with someone who has all the answers neatly packaged in a
series of quotes. I’ll be sure to keep my head lifted and my
questions to myself, lest I find myself in the wrong lane of your
divine highway.
Stop waffling! Sheesh, you are not saying anything, Buddy. Say
something, if you must, and support it with some sort of rationale!
Your glorious out of the thin air opinion might be enough for you,
but it is woefully inadequate for others! Yes, there are others!
Ah, the delightful dance of discourse, where the steps are as graceful
as a hippo on roller skates. It seems we’ve stumbled upon a veritable
treasure trove of wisdom, courtesy of our friend who clearly has a
direct line to the Almighty. I mean, who wouldn’t want to bask in the
glow of such divine insight? It’s almost as if the heavens opened up
and poured forth a torrent of unsolicited advice, all wrapped in a
delightful package of condescension.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of the assertion
that one can “sort out” the complexities of faith and reason with the
flick of a wrist. After all, why bother with the nuances of belief when
you can simply label someone an “atheist dickhead” and call it a day?
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton; let’s see if it pays off. Clearly, the
art of debate has been reduced to name-calling and the occasional
scripture drop, which is just so refreshing in this age of intellectual
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
And oh, the irony! The very same person who chastises others for their
lack of understanding seems blissfully unaware of their own
contradictions. “If you strive for goodness, you really are fucked,
Baby.” What a charming sentiment!
No, a true reality. Very fucked. What? Didn't it appropriate to thy
righteousness? Isn't that a shame! :-).
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
It’s almost as if the writer believes
that striving for goodness is a fool’s errand.
It surely is. Look at yourself.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
But fear not, dear
reader, for the Ingrate Asshole Complaints Dept is always open! How
generous of them to provide a safe space for those who dare to question
the status quo. One can only imagine the riveting conversations that
take place in that hallowed hall.
The IACD is always open, until it is not.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
Now, let’s address the pièce de résistance: the call to “stop
waffling.” Ah, yes, because nothing says “I’m open to dialogue” quite
like a demand for silence. It’s almost as if the writer believes that
their own opinions are the only ones worthy of consideration. How
refreshing! Who needs a well-rounded discussion when you can simply
dismiss opposing views as “waffling”? It’s a surefire way to win
friends and influence people, I’m sure.
The only opinion that matters is the Lord Jesus'. Sorry, you'll just
have to shut up, after all, way of man is not in himself.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
And then we have the delightful proclamation that “God does not need
your brilliance.”
He doesn't, He is God.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
How humble! It’s almost as if the writer is
suggesting that divine wisdom is so far beyond our mortal comprehension
that any attempt to engage with it is not only futile but downright
offensive. One can only wonder what the Almighty thinks of such a
dismissive attitude. Perhaps the heavens are rolling their eyes in
You can only wonder what the Lord thinks because you are too obsessed
with your own thoughts. "To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
As we meander through this labyrinth of logic, we encounter the
assertion that “the truth doesn’t need evidence; it is evidence.” A
bold claim, indeed!
Bold? It is basic baby reality, Buddy.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
It’s almost as if the writer believes that faith
alone is sufficient to navigate the complexities of existence. Who
needs pesky things like facts and reason when you have unwavering
Where the rubber meets the road, like yeah, of course.

Worldly self-philosophy is not required nor encouraged.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
It’s a comforting thought, really, to know that one can simply
declare something to be true and expect the universe to comply.
And so it is so with the Lord.

That is why a son of God is the solution, because he is the Lord.

You, not so much. :-).
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
In conclusion, let us raise a glass to the art of conversation, where
sarcasm reigns upreme and genuine inquiry is cast aside in favor of
bravado and bravura. It’s a wonder to behold, really, this spectacle of
self-righteousness wrapped in a veneer of piety.
Yes, let's raise the worldly spirited glass of sarcasm, condescension,
and superiority—not.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
So, dear friend,
continue to enlighten us with your divine revelations, for we are but
humble seekers in this grand tapestry of existence.
Sure, but only one problem, you are not humbles, Bumbles.
Post by Blasphemy Alert Beacon
And remember, in
the grand scheme of things, it’s not about the journey or the
destination; it’s about how loudly you can proclaim your own
righteousness while dismissing everyone else. Cheers!
Thank God the wafflefest is over! There you go. Stand back in awe of
yourself. Ye must be impressed, a worthy dialogist!! Clap, clap, clap.

I have not requested to be like you, Fella. Rather, I respectfully
requested you stop waffling, and yet you waffle on?

What do you want from me? To be like you? I was rid of that shitty,
contemptuous, deeply fucked-up attitude for good, thank God.  No thank
you, never again. Ugh!

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Blasphemy Alert Beacon
2024-10-07 22:20:29 UTC
On Tue, 8 Oct 2024 08:43:46 +1100
In the Name of Jesus <***@outlook.com> wrote:

Mushy muffin tops, how delightful it is to engage in this grand
spectacle of verbal acrobatics, where the lofty ideals of discourse are
reduced to the mere flailing of limbs in a mud pit of name-calling and
self-righteousness. One might think we are gathered here not to
exchange thoughts but to witness a most curious form of entertainment,
akin to a circus where the clowns have taken over the ring.
Ah, the eloquence of your opening gambit! Such a masterstroke of wit,
it surely leaves one breathless. Pray tell, does this serve as your
opening argument, or merely a warm-up for the grander display of
intellect that is to follow?
"The only opinion that matters is the Lord Jesus'. Sorry, you'll just
have to shut up..."
Indeed, how refreshing to hear that the divine has appointed you as His
spokesperson! One can only marvel at the audacity of claiming such
authority. Perhaps you might consider that the Lord, in His infinite
wisdom, might prefer a dialogue over a monologue, but who am I to
question the divine plan as interpreted by you?
"You can only wonder what the Lord thinks because you are too
obsessed with your own thoughts."
Ah, the irony! To accuse another of self-obsession while basking in the
glow of your own self-proclaimed enlightenment is a feat worthy of the
highest praise. It is a wonder how you manage to see the speck in
another's eye while ignoring the log in your own.
"Thank God the wafflefest is over!"
Indeed, let us all stand in awe of your culinary metaphors! The world
has been waiting with bated breath for your culinary critique of
discourse. One can only hope that your next dish will be served with a
side of humility, though I fear that may be too much to ask.
"What do you want from me? To be like you?"
Ah, the ultimate question! To be like you, dear correspondent, would be
to embrace a life of condescension and sarcasm, a path I shall gladly
avoid. Instead, I shall strive for a higher calling—one that seeks
understanding rather than derision.

In closing, let us not forget that the true measure of a dialogue lies
not in the sharpness of our barbs but in the depth of our
understanding. So, let us raise our glasses—not in mockery, but in the
hope that one day, we might engage in a conversation worthy of the
Mitchell Holman
2024-10-07 13:02:28 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → ה־ו־ה (fall, #2092;
הַו֞֌ה, ruin, #2095; הֹו֞ה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.
So the Bible is wrong?


"All the gods bow down before the Lord"
(Ps. 97:7).
In the Name of Jesus
2024-10-07 19:30:59 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → הָוָה (fall, #2092;
הַוָּה, ruin, #2095; הֹוָה, disaster, #2096); see *Ruin
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.
So the Bible is wrong?
"All the gods bow down before the Lord"
(Ps. 97:7).
Can't you read, Atheist Bible Scholar Holman?

There is only one God.

Atheist idiots! The know everything about the God that doesn't exist and
everything about everything else! :-).

Serves them right!

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Mitchell Holman
2024-10-08 01:24:04 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → ה־ו־ה (fall,
#2092; הַו֞֌ה, ruin, #2095; הֹו֞ה, disaster, #2096);
see *Ruin (VanGemeren).
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.
So the Bible is wrong?
"All the gods bow down before the Lord"
(Ps. 97:7).
Can't you read, Atheist Bible Scholar Holman?
There is only one God.
So the Bible is wrong.

Just checking.
In the Name of Jesus
2024-10-08 04:37:35 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
Now must be the timeth...
Post by Christ Rose
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:17:30 +0000
Post by Mitchell Holman
God created evil, remember?
I make peace, and ----> create evil: <-----
I the LORD do all these things".
Isaiah 45:7
It depends on what you mean by "evil". Based on the context and
meaning of the word, it here refers to the fact that God creates
disasters that ruin evil people, not that He creates moral evil.
Calamity → אֵיד (disaster, #369); → הָוָה (fall,
#2092; הַוָּה, ruin, #2095; הֹוָה, disaster, #2096);
see *Ruin (VanGemeren).
Everything comes from God;
Polio, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer.
Including, food, sex, laughter, hope and more; please return to the
ingrate asshole complaints department.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by In the Name of Jesus
there is no other God.
"God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment"
Psalm 82:1
There is only one God.
So the Bible is wrong?
"All the gods bow down before the Lord"
(Ps. 97:7).
Can't you read, Atheist Bible Scholar Holman?
There is only one God.
So the Bible is wrong.
Just checking.
Nope. It is your atheist head that is wrong. Imagine that?! :-).

There is only One God.

In the Name of Jesus
God is God in all His Being. All the glory is His, for He is all glory.

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything, He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance (voice, the Person) of
God. When you find Him you have found the author."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free, and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

"The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence or proof is to be found."

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that a sinner could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: a man full of bluster and bullshit in his
meaninglessness pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

"What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence."

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God; God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."

"What you believe is just a leaning on your own understanding; faith is
a leaning on the one you have chosen to trust."

"God uses the "letter" to crucify a man and raise him from the dead."

"Not fearing God is sheer stupidity for sinners."

"Self-righteousness is any exclusion of God in your heart, because any
exclusion reveals that you think more about yourself than what you
really are."

"Atheism: "The claim that life received from itself."

"But remember this: always, absolutely always, all the glory is the
Lord's and His alone, and anyone who takes any credit for anything, you
know, instantly, he is not what he pretends to be and is a false prophet."

"That light had to bear (bears all things) the darkness for us, but that
light did not ever become darkness."

"You must reach beyond the bible that tells you about Him, and into your
daily life to find Him in Person. He's there."

"What is wrong with Christendom? False understanding based on compromise."

"It is not in man to love his enemies. And if he tries, he is walking in
a lie and trying to raise himself up to the level of God."

"God has to be quiet now; we have our bible." Well, then, who is going
to speak?
Vincent Maycock
2024-09-29 14:58:57 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 20:53:31 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse? I thought he was supposed
to be omnipotent.
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen then and not now?
2024-09-29 19:28:47 UTC
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Christ Rose
2024-09-29 20:41:35 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:28:47 -0700
"Andrew" <***@usa.net> wrote:
Post by Andrew
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

Vincent Maycock
2024-09-29 21:42:36 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:28:47 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
No, he does not. There is no context which would excuse your god's
negligence and/or evil in the creation of polio.
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Perhaps it might be better to question your theology and ask yourself
if it really makes sense.
Dawn Flood
2024-09-29 23:40:41 UTC
Post by Vincent Maycock
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:28:47 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
No, he does not. There is no context which would excuse your god's
negligence and/or evil in the creation of polio.
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Perhaps it might be better to question your theology and ask yourself
if it really makes sense.
For me, as a former believer, that question was asked and answered in
the negative. Now, I am in the "but you were never a true believer to
begin with" camp!

Vincent Maycock
2024-09-30 02:28:11 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 18:40:41 -0500, Dawn Flood
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:28:47 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
No, he does not. There is no context which would excuse your god's
negligence and/or evil in the creation of polio.
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Perhaps it might be better to question your theology and ask yourself
if it really makes sense.
For me, as a former believer, that question was asked and answered in
the negative. Now, I am in the "but you were never a true believer to
begin with" camp!
Then there's the transition from being "a deep thinker" to "a dummy,"
depending on whether you're willing to try to force your ideas and
questions into their theological framework.
2024-09-30 04:09:52 UTC
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
No, he does not. There is no context which
would excuse your god's negligence and/or
evil in the creation of polio.
I'm sorry if you have suffered from that. But
to blame God for what happened would be a
sign of gross immaturity.
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Perhaps it might be better to question your
theology and ask yourself if it really makes sense.
The plan of Salvation makes sense to me, as well as
to many others. And the fact that Jesus rose from the
dead and ascended on high is further confirmation.
Post by Dawn Flood
For me, as a former believer, that question was
asked and answered in the negative.
Nevertheless His love for you is infinite and
Post by Dawn Flood
Now, I am in the "but you were never a true
believer to begin with" camp!
That in no way diminishes the love He has for
Post by Dawn Flood
Vincent Maycock
2024-09-30 16:15:45 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 21:09:52 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
No, he does not. There is no context which
would excuse your god's negligence and/or
evil in the creation of polio.
I'm sorry if you have suffered from that.
I have not suffered from that. This is more of a logical argument
than a plea for sympathy.
Post by Andrew
But to blame God for what happened would be a
sign of gross immaturity.
No, it's in reality a sign of good critical thinking.
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Perhaps it might be better to question your
theology and ask yourself if it really makes sense.
The plan of Salvation makes sense to me, as well as
to many others.
When have you ever questioned your theology?
Post by Andrew
And the fact that Jesus rose from the
dead and ascended on high is further confirmation.
That's a belief, not a fact.
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
For me, as a former believer, that question was
asked and answered in the negative.
Nevertheless His love for you is infinite and
Post by Dawn Flood
Now, I am in the "but you were never a true
believer to begin with" camp!
That in no way diminishes the love He has for
Post by Dawn Flood
2024-09-30 17:49:50 UTC
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
No, he does not. There is no context which
would excuse your god's negligence and/or
evil in the creation of polio.
I'm sorry if you have suffered from that.
I have not suffered from that. This is more of a
logical argument than a plea for sympathy.
You think it's logical for an atheist to blame
"God" for that which they do not understand!

No, by doing so they only reveal their foolish,
illogical naiveté.
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
But to blame God for what happened would
be a sign of gross immaturity.
No, it's in reality a sign of good critical thinking.
Rather it would be foolish and illogical for an
atheist to "blame God" for anything.
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Perhaps it might be better to question your
theology and ask yourself if it really makes sense.
The plan of Salvation makes sense to me, as well as
to many others.
When have you ever questioned your theology?
I welcome an honest challenge from anyone who
is not a confirmed fool.
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
And the fact that Jesus rose from the
dead and ascended on high is further confirmation.
That's a belief, not a fact.
That evidence has previously been posted here.
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
For me, as a former believer, that question was
asked and answered in the negative.
Nevertheless His love for you is infinite and
Post by Dawn Flood
Now, I am in the "but you were never a true
believer to begin with" camp!
That in no way diminishes the love He has for
Post by Dawn Flood
Vincent Maycock
2024-09-30 18:39:06 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 10:49:50 -0700, "Andrew"
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
~ Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
And God was unable to overcome this curse?
I thought he was supposed to be omnipotent.
He does in the context of the big picture.
No, he does not. There is no context which
would excuse your god's negligence and/or
evil in the creation of polio.
I'm sorry if you have suffered from that.
I have not suffered from that. This is more of a
logical argument than a plea for sympathy.
You think it's logical for an atheist to blame
Rather than "blaming" a non-existent entity, I merely present reasons
for why you should either blame God yourself (since you believe he's
real, while I don't)...or change your beliefs about the Christian
Post by Andrew
for that which they do not understand!
I understand perfectly well -- it's simply irrational to believe the
way you do.
Post by Andrew
No, by doing so they only reveal their foolish,
illogical naiveté.
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
But to blame God for what happened would
be a sign of gross immaturity.
No, it's in reality a sign of good critical thinking.
Rather it would be foolish and illogical for an
atheist to "blame God" for anything.
No, it's more a matter of showing that belief in him is illogical,
rather than "blaming" him for anything.
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Why should those things happen
then and not now?
Perhaps it would be better to thank God
for the plan of Salvation through Jesus
that gives us solid hope for life eternal
in the future realm, far away from the
darkness we experience now.
Perhaps it might be better to question your
theology and ask yourself if it really makes sense.
The plan of Salvation makes sense to me, as well as
to many others.
When have you ever questioned your theology?
I welcome an honest challenge from anyone who
is not a confirmed fool.
So you've never questioned your theology outside the debate arena? And
do you label everyone who disagrees with you a "confirmed fool"?
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
And the fact that Jesus rose from the
dead and ascended on high is further confirmation.
That's a belief, not a fact.
That evidence has previously been posted here.
No, I've already debunked your Shroud of Turin nonsense in these
discussions before. The bloodstains on it, for example, could not
have come from a single person, but rather would have to have come
from multiple separate applications of those "bloodstains."
Post by Andrew
Post by Vincent Maycock
Post by Andrew
Post by Dawn Flood
For me, as a former believer, that question was
asked and answered in the negative.
Nevertheless His love for you is infinite and
Post by Dawn Flood
Now, I am in the "but you were never a true
believer to begin with" camp!
That in no way diminishes the love He has for
Post by Dawn Flood
2024-09-29 16:44:06 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of God that
arose out of their fall.

Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this,
thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon
thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy
seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy
conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall
be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of
thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou
shalt not eat of it: cursedis the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou
eat of it all the days of thy life;

Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou
shalt eat the herb of the field;

Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto
the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust
shalt thou return.

Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of
all living.

Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins,
and clothed them.

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to
know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the
tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to
till the ground from whence he was taken.

The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation of Israel
was formed, not the land, but the people. This was NOT put upon the Gentiles.

It was a Covenant between God and the Israelites worked out by Moses, and
voted on by the People of Israel.

Sadly the mistake you made is a common one done by many “religious
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
Not to stir the pot here, but the believer in Jesus is not under the curse of
the law, whether they be an Israelite or Gentile. They are under the
conditions set by God at the beginning, as is all men and women.

Side note here; Jesus freed us from the curse of the Law, but did not
withdraw the Blessings which are to remain upon ALL of His people. After all,
the stripes that Jesus Bore for our healing was upon both them as it is upon
all believers. And this operated by Faith on God.
Post by Andrew
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-30 01:52:59 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that
equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a religious
experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of God
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast
done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded
thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursedis the ground for thy
sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and
thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou
return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou
art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the
mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of
"one of us"

What other gods is God talking about?
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation of
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Post by Robert
This was NOT put upon
the Gentiles.
It was a Covenant between God and the Israelites worked out by Moses,
and voted on by the People of Israel.
Sadly the mistake you made is a common one done by many “religious
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
Not to stir the pot here, but the believer in Jesus is not under the
curse of the law, whether they be an Israelite or Gentile. They are
under the conditions set by God at the beginning, as is all men and
Side note here; Jesus freed us from the curse of the Law, but did not
withdraw the Blessings which are to remain upon ALL of His people.
After all, the stripes that Jesus Bore for our healing was upon both
them as it is upon all believers. And this operated by Faith on God.
Post by Andrew
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
2024-09-30 01:57:59 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that
equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a religious
experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of God
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast
done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded
thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursedis the ground for thy
sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and
thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou
return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou
art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the
mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of
"one of us"
What other gods is God talking about?
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation of
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Post by Robert
This was NOT put upon
the Gentiles.
It was a Covenant between God and the Israelites worked out by Moses,
and voted on by the People of Israel.
Sadly the mistake you made is a common one done by many “religious
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
Not to stir the pot here, but the believer in Jesus is not under the
curse of the law, whether they be an Israelite or Gentile. They are
under the conditions set by God at the beginning, as is all men and
Side note here; Jesus freed us from the curse of the Law, but did not
withdraw the Blessings which are to remain upon ALL of His people.
After all, the stripes that Jesus Bore for our healing was upon both
them as it is upon all believers. And this operated by Faith on God.
Post by Andrew
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
how do you know were you there
2024-09-30 04:49:35 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that
equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a religious
experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of God
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast
done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded
thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursedis the ground for thy
sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and
thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou
return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou
art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the
mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of
"one of us"
What other gods is God talking about?
His Father.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation of
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Read DEY 28:15-68
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
This was NOT put upon
the Gentiles.
It was a Covenant between God and the Israelites worked out by Moses,
and voted on by the People of Israel.
Sadly the mistake you made is a common one done by many “religious
Post by Andrew
In the next realm - in the kingdom of
God that Jesus told us about - there
will be no more curse.
Not to stir the pot here, but the believer in Jesus is not under the
curse of the law, whether they be an Israelite or Gentile. They are
under the conditions set by God at the beginning, as is all men and
Side note here; Jesus freed us from the curse of the Law, but did not
withdraw the Blessings which are to remain upon ALL of His people.
After all, the stripes that Jesus Bore for our healing was upon both
them as it is upon all believers. And this operated by Faith on God.
Post by Andrew
"And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes, and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain; for the former things
are passed away."
Revelation 21:4
Mitchell Holman
2024-10-01 01:32:53 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that
equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a religious
experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of God
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast
done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded
thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursedis the ground for thy
sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and
thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou
return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou
art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the
mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
So the Bible is wrong, she was not a mother.
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of
"one of us"
What other gods is God talking about?
His Father.
God has a father?
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation of
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Read DEY 28:15-68
Nothing in there about any "Law Covenant".

But the passage IS famous for this gem:

"And the Lord shall scatter thee among
all people, from the one end of the
earth even unto the other; and there
thou shalt serve other gods"

Who are these "other gods"?
2024-10-01 15:35:33 UTC
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that
equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a religious
experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast
done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded
thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursedis the ground for thy
sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and
thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou
return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou
art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the
mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
So the Bible is wrong, she was not a mother.
Yes, she was, problem is the problem of proper detailed translation into
English, for instance her name was “Life” not Eve. She was Woman, not
wife, and she was “one who fulfills the role of mother” properly

How come you did not know that?
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of
"one of us"
What other gods is God talking about?
His Father.
God has a father?
God the creator, Yes,
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Read DEY 28:15-68
Nothing in there about any "Law Covenant".
“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the
LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I
command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and
overtake thee:” (Deu 28:15)

You know very well that was speaking of the Law Covenant. So stop with your
Post by Dawn Flood
"And the Lord shall scatter thee among
all people, from the one end of the
earth even unto the other; and there
thou shalt serve other gods"
Who are these "other gods"?
There are many. The problem is you do not realize what the word means.
Mitchell Holman
2024-10-02 01:40:32 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit
that equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion
it is called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a
religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou
hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above
every beast
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy
sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth
children; and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened
unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of
cursedis the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till
thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for
dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was
the mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
So the Bible is wrong, she was not a mother.
Yes, she was, problem is the problem of proper detailed translation
into English, for instance her name was “Life” not Eve. She was
Woman, not wife, and she was “one who fulfills the role of mother”
properly translated.
So the passage you posted is wrong.

Just so........
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as
one of us,
"one of us"
What other gods is God talking about?
His Father.
God has a father?
God the creator, Yes,
So God is the Father of God. Right.
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden
of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Read DEY 28:15-68
Nothing in there about any "Law Covenant".
“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice
of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his
statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall
come upon thee, and overtake thee:” (Deu 28:15)
You know very well that was speaking of the Law Covenant. So stop with
your games.
"Commandments and statutes"
are NOT a covenant.

You know this, we covered it
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
"And the Lord shall scatter thee among
all people, from the one end of the
earth even unto the other; and there
thou shalt serve other gods"
Who are these "other gods"?
There are many.
Name some.
Post by Robert
The problem is you do not realize what the word means.
2024-10-02 01:41:46 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit
that equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion
it is called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a
religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou
hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above
every beast
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy
sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth
children; and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened
unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of
cursedis the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till
thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for
dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was
the mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
So the Bible is wrong, she was not a mother.
Yes, she was, problem is the problem of proper detailed translation
into English, for instance her name was “Life” not Eve. She was
Woman, not wife, and she was “one who fulfills the role of mother”
properly translated.
So the passage you posted is wrong.
Just so........
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as
one of us,
"one of us"
What other gods is God talking about?
His Father.
God has a father?
God the creator, Yes,
So God is the Father of God. Right.
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden
of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Read DEY 28:15-68
Nothing in there about any "Law Covenant".
“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice
of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his
statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall
come upon thee, and overtake thee:” (Deu 28:15)
You know very well that was speaking of the Law Covenant. So stop with
your games.
"Commandments and statutes"
are NOT a covenant.
You know this, we covered it
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
"And the Lord shall scatter thee among
all people, from the one end of the
earth even unto the other; and there
thou shalt serve other gods"
Who are these "other gods"?
There are many.
Name some.
Post by Robert
The problem is you do not realize what the word means.
2024-10-02 02:20:42 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit
that equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
scriptures to suit his condition.
â?oWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Andrew
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion
it is called a Religion.â?
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a
religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
"And God saw every thing that He had
made, and behold, it was very good."
Post by Mitchell Holman
Genesis 1:31
Therefore anything after the Creation
that is "not good" came as a result of
the "curse" because of the "fall".
It came because of the fall, not a curse. Here is the judgment of
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
that arose out of their fall.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou
hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above
every beast
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy
sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth
children; and
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened
unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of
cursedis the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till
thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for
dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was
the mother of all living.
At this point in the story Eve was not a mother.
So the Bible is wrong, she was not a mother.
Yes, she was, problem is the problem of proper detailed translation
into English, for instance her name was “Life” not Eve. She was
Woman, not wife, and she was “one who fulfills the role of mother”
properly translated.
So the passage you posted is wrong.
Just so........
That is what the English translation stated, but those in the know, know what
it said.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as
one of us,
"one of us"
What other gods is God talking about?
His Father.
God has a father?
God the creator, Yes,
So God is the Father of God. Right.
Yes, of Course, but again you have not listened or read to understand.
I’d bet I have told you some verses about that, or you read them when I
posted it to others.
Did you chose to ignore those truths?
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden
of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
The curses of the Law Covenant, did not take place until the nation
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Israel was formed, not the land, but the people.
What are the "curses of the Law Covenant"?
Read DEY 28:15-68
Nothing in there about any "Law Covenant".
“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice
of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his
statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall
come upon thee, and overtake thee:” (Deu 28:15)
You know very well that was speaking of the Law Covenant. So stop with
your games.
"Commandments and statutes"
are NOT a covenant.
The are. They were big time in the Law Covenant of Moses,
And if you new anything about covenants, even the covenants of men you would
never have said that.
Post by Mitchell Holman
You know this, we covered it
I know what is in a typical covenant/contract. Terms of agreement, and
punishments of various types all stated in the contract. Surely you don’t
deny that. Look at prenups, buying a house, car, truck MH, land, lease a
vehicle, insurance policies. Etc.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
"And the Lord shall scatter thee among
all people, from the one end of the
earth even unto the other; and there
thou shalt serve other gods"
Who are these "other gods"?
There are many.
Name some.
Satan, drugs, coveting, Ishtar, Baal, gluttony, money, power.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
The problem is you do not realize what the word means.
2024-09-29 06:56:51 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the
man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic drug
experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
I already gave you the answer.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-29 13:18:41 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips
the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.”
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic
drug experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like
wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
I already gave you the answer.
Is this one of you "I answered that
four years ago, look it up" responses?
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
2024-09-29 16:21:40 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips
the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the
scriptures to suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.”
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other psychedelic
drug experiences. Some called it a religious experience, like
wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
I already gave you the answer.
Is this one of you "I answered that
four years ago, look it up" responses?
Even if it was, it is correct, but in this case you brought up yet again your
idea that God created all diseases, which was answered to you 2 or 3 times at

Why is it that I can remember these things and you cannot?
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
Mitchell Holman
2024-09-30 01:40:04 UTC
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that
equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting
the scriptures to suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.”
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a religious
experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
I already gave you the answer.
Is this one of you "I answered that
four years ago, look it up" responses?
Even if it was, it is correct, but in this case you brought up yet
again your idea that God created all diseases, which was answered to
you 2 or 3 times at least.
So you don't know your Bible well
enough to post a passage answering this

The next time you talk to God ask
him to your research for you.
Post by Robert
Why is it that I can remember these things and you cannot?
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
2024-09-30 04:53:54 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that
equips the man of God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting
the scriptures to suit his condition.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called
insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is
called a Religion.”
Where have you been? It is an acid trip, and other
psychedelic drug experiences. Some called it a religious
experience, like wow mon,,, ;)
When hippies talk to God they are
called delusional.
When someone else talks to God
they are called......Robert.
No, they are either believers or sinners seeking help.
Next time you talk to God ask
him why he invented polio.
I already gave you the answer.
Is this one of you "I answered that
four years ago, look it up" responses?
Even if it was, it is correct, but in this case you brought up yet
again your idea that God created all diseases, which was answered to
you 2 or 3 times at least.
So you don't know your Bible well
enough to post a passage answering this
The next time you talk to God ask
him to your research for you.
When you rebelled against God and chose to shun His Words, as well as Him you
became spiritually Blind, and deaf.

Repent lest worse things befall you, both now and at the time of your eternal
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Why is it that I can remember these things and you cannot?
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Robert
Post by Mitchell Holman
"I know the Lord, I know the reality
of Him, He communicates with me and
me with him, just like many other
people who walk by Faith"
"Robert", Feb 23 2024
2024-09-27 19:23:28 UTC
Post by In the Name of Jesus
It is the Lord Himself through His Holy Spirit that equips the man of
God for every good work.
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.
do you think god has a penis? it should be itself right, not
Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 19:37:34 UTC
Post by kami
do you think god has a penis?
Were you raped by reality?
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-27 19:56:06 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by kami
do you think god has a penis?
Were you raped by reality?
that's an interesting question. in this case it is in the eye of
the beholder.

do you feel violated?
Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 20:59:57 UTC
Post by kami
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by kami
do you think god has a penis?
Were you raped by reality?
that's an interesting question. in this case it is in the eye of
the beholder.
Or parked in front of your Suckramento bungalow...
Post by kami
do you feel violated?
Transference noted and dismissed, Rudey.
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-28 11:29:13 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by kami
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by kami
do you think god has a penis?
Were you raped by reality?
that's an interesting question. in this case it is in the eye of
the beholder.
Or parked in front of your Suckramento bungalow...
Post by kami
do you feel violated?
Transference noted and dismissed, Rudey.
oh, you're that paranoid rudey is everywhere and in my butt guy.
2 antipsychotics and 1 anticonvulsive.
Lil dwarf Rudey
2024-09-28 18:31:23 UTC
Post by kami
oh, you're that paranoid
Please bloody sod off and choose your preferred cell # now, little man
Rudey/Jonathan Ball.

Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A
Terrell/Chris Ahlstrom/Intelligent Party/Malte Runz/kami and a few dozen
other socks wrote:

@Multiple death threats against Trump@

From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
<ONIkO.102541$***@fx11.ams4> <***@>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
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X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

Oh poor me I got shot at ...


From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



From: J Carlson <***@gmx.com>
Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <v5f66o$1mps9$***@dont-email.me>
References: <v54h6j$39cuk$***@dont-email.me> <v54hrs$38mfs$***@dont-email.me>
<v5df1n$1caue$***@dont-email.me> <v5edju$1hv3p$***@dont-email.me>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Injection-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:35:53 +0200 (CEST)
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Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549
alt.politics.nationalism.white:10913 talk.politics.misc:1295918
Post by kami
No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
Post by kami
is an important step to getting there.

That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the
U.S. Code
prev | next
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in
this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of
President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L.
97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
Service Protectees
The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons
protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to
consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security
Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the
defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
settlement involving a § 871 charge.


PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to
resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of
supervised release.

A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
handling the prosecution.

Those can be reported here:





Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?

Governor Swill
2024-09-29 02:13:39 UTC
Post by kami
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by kami
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by kami
do you think god has a penis?
Were you raped by reality?
that's an interesting question. in this case it is in the eye of
the beholder.
Or parked in front of your Suckramento bungalow...
Post by kami
do you feel violated?
Transference noted and dismissed, Rudey.
oh, you're that paranoid rudey is everywhere and in my butt guy.
2 antipsychotics and 1 anticonvulsive.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 38 days.

17) Trump profited personally off the Presidency making an
estimated $160M from foreign countries.

18) Trump billed the Secret Service over a million dollars
when they stayed at his golf clubs and resorts protecting him.
El Kabong
2024-09-29 07:08:34 UTC
Post by kami
Post by In the Name of Jesus
The sinner equips himself in his sin by interpreting the scriptures to
suit his condition.
do you think god has a penis? it should be itself right, not
I asked God yesterday. They told me their preferred
pronouns are they / their.

Imputing an assigned sex to them is blasphemy.